【淘氣寶寶】●福利品】G3 Orbit baby 360度 旋轉嬰兒雙向手推車(藍色)【總代理公司貨】

【淘氣寶寶】●福利品】G3 Orbit baby 360度 旋轉嬰兒雙向手推車(藍色)【總代理公司貨】

訂單成立賺0.5% 100


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福利品: 商品全新,但因為原廠紙箱運送途中稍有毀損,但不影響商品內容 淘氣寶寶會另外用其他紙箱包裝寄出。 關於保固問題請您放心! 這商品仍享有原廠1年保固服務。 不介意者在下標唷~ (圖一/圖二 實品側邊置物籃為加購配件) 附件: 1.前扶手 2.置杯架 3.前餐盤 4.置物袋 5. 可以另外加購O-81000提籃結合器 6.可以另外加購MAXI COSI提籃唷 7.可以另外加購側邊置物籃 8.可以另外加購蚊帳*雨罩 9.可以另外加購推車收納旅行袋 The G3 Product Family: Personal and customizable The mixable G3 product line allows parents to choose from Orbit Baby's state-of-the-art car seats, stroller seats, bassinets and storage options, as well as a range of colors. Family-flexible Orbit Baby's upgradeable system can convert from a single stroller to a double, allows for the addition of two Sidekick™ Stroller Boards for a triple solution, has more easy-to-access storage, and can dock all seat options straight from stroller to rocker base. Back-saving convenience The only travel system that allows you to dock and rotate both your infant and toddler car seat on the same car seat base and stroller base, with the back-saving convenience of Orbit Baby's patented SmartHub™ technology. Parenting made easier The G3 features a 60-second car seat installation, a one-handed stroller fold, built-in cup holders, easily adjustable handlebars, and Orbit Baby's ergonomic dock-and-rotate interface. 360 degrees of freedom Still the only stroller seat with 3DRotation™, which allows the seat to both rotate and recline in one fluid motion. Clean, green, and BFR-free Orbit Baby's car seats use orbitgreen™ fabrics 100% free of BFRs (Brominated Flame Retardants), and all Orbit Baby seats use fabrics certified clean, ensuring they are easier on your baby's skin.


