[9美國直購] George Foreman 帕尼尼機 燒烤機 GRP3060P 白金版 4-Serving Removable Plate Grill and Panini Press Platinum

[9美國直購] George Foreman 帕尼尼機 燒烤機 GRP3060P 白金版 4-Serving Removable Plate Grill and Panini Press Platinum

訂單成立賺0.5% 13


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PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! 喬治·福爾曼(George Foreman)GRP3060P燒烤爐為全家人烹製佳餚。燒烤架的4人用餐區非常適合全家的漢堡包和雞肉,或者是一小餐搭配烤蔬菜的餐點。 先進的George Tough不粘塗層的耐用性是以前型號的2倍,並且不需要多餘的油脂。 另外,可拆卸式燒烤盤可安全使用洗碗機清洗,使清理工作更加輕鬆。加熱時間比以前的型號快35%,放入燒烤架後加熱約10分鐘即可享用美味的飯菜! ? 4 Servings: Tight on kitchen space? The 60-square inch grill is the most popular George Foreman Grill, with space for a tasty main course for four, or a complete meal with veggies and other sides. Removable Plates: Easy cleanup is essential, and that’s what the removable grill plates are all about. Pop them in the dishwasher after grilling and they’ll be ready to go for your next meal. Advanced George Tough Nonstick Coating: There’s a lot to love about this nonstick coating. It’s 3x? more durable, easy to clean, and removes the need for butter and oil. Fat-Removing Slope: It’s the sure sign of a George Foreman Grill. The sloped grilling surface helps remove up to 42% of fat* from meats for lean, tasty meals. Drip Tray: The dishwasher-safe drip tray collects excess fat and grease so you don’t have to. How nice is that? ? Product Dimensions 6.5 x 12.25 x 13.19 inches Product Dimensions 6.5 x 12.25 x 13.19 inches Item Weight 6.55 pounds Manufacturer Spectrum Brands Item model number GRP3060P ASIN B010UZZ2AW


