【書寶二手書T6/電腦_E2I】Semantic Web for Dummies_Pollock, Jeffrey T.

【書寶二手書T6/電腦_E2I】Semantic Web for Dummies_Pollock, Jeffrey T.

近一年最省 $50


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[商品主貨號] U100927644 [ISBN-13碼] 9780470396797 [ISBN] 0470396792 [作者] Pollock, Jeffrey T. [出版社] John Wiley & Sons Inc [出版日期] 2009/03/23 [內容簡介] (本項為出版商制式文字, 不論下文註明有無附件, 仍以本拍賣商品標題為準, 標題未註明有附件者一律均無) Semantic Web technology is already changing how we interact with data on the Web. By connecting random information on the Internet in new ways, Web 3.0, as it is sometimes called, represents an exciting online evolution. Whether you’re a consumer doing research online, a business owner who wants to offer your customers the most useful Web site, or an IT manager eager to understand Semantic Web solutions, Semantic Web For Dummies is the place to start! It will help you: Know how the typical Internet user will recognize the effects of the Semantic Web Explore all the benefits the data Web offers to businesses and decide whether it’s right for your business Make sense of the technology and identify applications for it See how the Semantic Web is about data while the “old” Internet was about documents Tour the architectures, strategies, and standards involved in Semantic Web technology Learn a bit about the languages that make it all work: Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) Discover the variety of information-based jobs that could become available in a data-driven economy You’ll also find a quick primer on tech specifications, some key priorities for CIOs, and tools to help you sort the hype from the reality. There are case studies of early Semantic Web successes and a list of common myths you may encounter. Whether you’re incorporating the Semantic Web in the workplace or using it at home, Semantic Web For Dummies will help you define, develop, implement, and use Web 3.0.) [書況補充說明] 此書有書斑、髒污、自然泛黃及使用痕跡,不影響閱讀,不介意才請下標,謝謝!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 低價特賣 書籍狀態請詳看圖示 *內容敘述為制式文字,僅為針對書籍內容參考用,關於有無光碟與附件請以標題為準。* *出版日期由於亦為制式內容有時會有出入,若日期與版別足以影響購買決定者請另行提問較為準確。* 由於電子信箱有漏信風險故敝店不予開放。倘有需詢問事項請於商品頁之「有關商品的發問」留下詢問內容, 敝店將儘速處理。(倘使用敝店首頁最下方的「向店長詢問」請務必說明是針對哪項商品管理編號發問喔) ■客服電話服務時間:   敝店客服電話 (02) 85316044 服務時間為週一至週五 09:00-12:00 及 13:00-17:00,例假日與國定假日公休 其餘時間請使用商品頁發問功能聯繫 。 由於敝店為多平臺同步販售,來電請務必告知為樂天買家以節省您的寶貴時間,謝謝您。 ■其他注意事項: 建議可多利用7-11取貨付款,可在自己方便的時間領貨。


