Ready to Go Student Book 1, 2/e (with MP3 2/e Lynx Publishing 2013 Lynx

Ready to Go Student Book 1, 2/e (with MP3 2/e Lynx Publishing 2013 Lynx

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書名:Ready to Go Student Book 1, 2/e (with MP3)(課本) 作者:Lynx Publishing 出版社:Lynx Publishing 出版日期:2014/00/00 ISBN:9781941214145 適合程度:Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate 科技大學、大學大一及大二英語課程 級數:2 levels (CEF from A1 to B2) 配備:學生本、Audio MP3、教師手冊、教學Powerpoint、字彙本、線上教學資源 連結測驗:TOEIC、TOEFL、GEPT、IELTS、BULATS l 第二版Ready to Go提供 (1)全新、活潑版面,利用圖片讓學生充分理解職場情境。 (2)更多元的聽力練習與課堂活動,刺激學生學習動機與培養獨立思考能力。 (3)附錄增加文法單元,教師教學可彈性運用。 l 以EIL( English as an International Language)為主要教材架構,提供多樣職場情境介紹搭配紮實的相關語言訓練,訓練學生活用英文,提升職場競爭力。 l 每冊介紹12個職場主題,如找工作、職場社交、商務旅行等等實用主題,統整學生的工作領域常識和相關的語言學習(相關文章閱讀、商業書信練習、基本文法複習、會話、聽力練習) l 將1500~3000常用重要字彙以情境主題方式融入學習課程,幫助學生有效地準備TOEIC、BULATS、GEPT等等的相關英語檢定測驗。 Readyto Gois a course book in English as an International Language (EIL). Packed with authentic examples of workplaceEnglish, Ready to Go introducesstudents to a variety of workplace situations and the language used in thesesituations, helping students develop the tools they need to communicatesuccessfully. Readyto GoBook includes: 1. A 150-300words main reading text in each unit 2. A varietyof listening and reading samples based on authentic materials and typical ofthe most common workplace situations. The samples are organized systematicallyacross 12 units to form a knowledge framework that supports student learning. 3. Vocabularybuilding through Word Roots and Collocations 4. BusinessWriting sections with examples of resume, cover letter, memo, email, and businessletters that will remain a useful reference for students even after graduation 5. GrammarReview to reinforce students’ understanding of basic grammar rules, a skillthat will help them communicate effectively in the workplace 6. MP3 andonline resources Ready to Go gives students and teachers what they need.


