【500點樂天點數回饋】[3美國直購] Anova Culinary AN400-US00 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker 750W

【500點樂天點數回饋】[3美國直購] Anova Culinary AN400-US00 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker 750W

近期最省 $164
訂單成立賺2% 109


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PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! 像Pro一樣進行烹飪-Anova精密電磁爐nano允許任何人在家中烹飪餐廳品質的餐點。我們的sous vide循環器是一種完美的廚房用具,可始終如一地控制和精確地控制蔬菜,肉類以及其他食品。我們對我們的產品充滿信心,Anova為產品提供1年保修。 每次都能獲得完美的結果-精確烹飪可讓您產生其他任何烹飪方法都無法達到的效果。沒有乾燥的邊緣,沒有罕見的中心。果汁和風味無法逃脫。食物完全濕潤柔軟。連續的溫度控制每次都能提供可靠一致的結果。非常適合蔬菜,肉類,水果,奶酪等。 智能設備控制和烹飪通知-Anova精密電磁爐nano可以通過手機進行遠程控制,使您在烹飪時可以逃離廚房。只需下載Anova應用程序,即可從iPhone或Android智能設備輕鬆監控,調整或控制該設備。精巧炊具還可以在您不在廚房時向您發出烹飪通知,以便您可以知道何時準備食物。精密炊具的藍牙連接使您可以控制30英尺外的設備。 易於使用-只需將Anova精密炊具nano安裝到任何鍋上,加水,然後將所需食物放入密封袋或玻璃罐中即可。輕觸設備上的按鈕開始烹飪。慢燉鍋的計時器和精確的溫度控制使您可以在烹飪完美的同時放鬆身心。無需其他設備。 通過1000多種食譜來發揮創意-從屢獲殊榮的廚師為各種技能水平的家庭廚師創建的Anova s??ous vide指南和食譜中獲得出色的創意,並通過簡單的指導輕鬆地瀏覽每種食譜。全部免費提供。非常適合初學者和資深廚師! 體積小巧-技術大,尺寸小。 12.8英寸Anova精密炊具nano可存放在靠近打蛋器和鋼包的任何廚房抽屜中,因此您的櫃檯保持整潔,並且可以輕鬆使用自己喜歡的新烹飪工具。 來自製造商 方差烹飪 在Anova,我們有超過10年的時間來製造市場上最受歡迎的sous vide設備之一。現在,我們已經吸取了所學到的一切,並創建了Anova Nano –一款體積更小,更安靜,連接起來的實驗室級sous vide Precision Cooker,具有Anova可以期望的高質量設計和精度。 使用Anova Precision Cooker Nano,您可以進行精確控制。坐在沙發上通過手機設置食譜並進行監控,同時達到0.1?您期望Anova提供的溫度控制。 煮一頓美餐比以往任何時候都容易 適合任何抽屜 易於設置 只需將Nano夾在現有容器上,按一下開始,您將立即享受完美的菲力牛排。無需其他工具! 您的電話,您的副廚師長 Anova Nano的超快速藍牙BLE 4.2可以連接到任何智能手機,從而可以非常輕鬆地通過智能設備輕鬆烹飪。 每十進制計數 知道稀有與中等稀有之間的區別嗎?是3?確切地說。使用Nano,您可以用0.1煮飯?準確性確保每次都能獲得完美的結果。 緊湊的尺寸 12.8英寸Anova Nano可存放在任何廚房抽屜中,因此您的櫃檯保持整潔,並且可以輕鬆使用自己喜歡的新烹飪工具。 每次都有完美的結果 鍋 電話 溫度 可以用了 無需爐子,溫度計,火焰或其他設備。 聯網烹飪 使用Anova Culinary App或Nano控件設置時間和溫度。 完美的結果 在精確的溫度下循環水,以完全按照您的喜好烹飪食物。 產品描述 樣式名稱:藍牙(750瓦) Anova Precision Cooker Nano使您在家中輕鬆達到專業水平的烹飪效果。使用時,只需將炊具安裝到任何盛滿水的鍋中,然後將食物放入密封袋中,然後設置時間和溫度即可。 Anova Precision Cooker Nano將水加熱並循環至精確溫度,將食物烹飪至精確溫度,從而產生最大的嫩度和水分保持力(無需擔心過度烹飪)。 Anova Precision Cooker Nano連接到您的手機,因此您只需按一下按鈕即可烹飪精美的飯菜-依靠應用程序在您準備好就餐時通知您,從而減少與廚房的聯繫時間。 產品信息 樣式名稱:藍牙(750瓦) 產品尺寸4.1 x 2.2 x 12.8英寸 產品重量3.03磅 運送重量3.03磅 生產商Anova Culinary 雅信B07C7PW3PC 項目型號AN400-US00 Cook like a Pro - the Anova precision cooker nano allows anyone to cook a restaurant quality meal at home. Our sous vide Circulator is the perfect kitchen appliance for hands-off cooking of vegetables, meat and much more with consistent control and precision. We're so confident in our product Anova backs it with a 1-year warranty. Perfect results, every time - precision cooking enables you to produce results that are impossible to achieve through any other cooking method. No Dry edges and no rare centers. Juices and flavors don’t escape. Food comes out perfectly moist and tender. Continuous temperature control provides reliable and consistent results every time. Perfect for vegetables, meat, fruit, cheese and much more. Smart device control & cooking notifications - the Anova precision cooker nano can be remotely controlled with your phone, allowing you to escape from the kitchen while you cook. Simply Download the Anova app to easily monitor, adjust or control the device from your iphone or Android smart devices. The precision cooker also provides you cooking notifications while you're out of the kitchen so you'll know when your food is ready. The precision cooker's connection allows you to control the device up to 30 feet away. Easy to use - simply attach the Anova precision cooker nano to any pot, add water, drop in desired food in a sealed bag or glass jar. Start cooking with the touch of a button on the device. The sous vide cooker's timer and precise temperature control allow you to step away and relax while your food cooks perfectly. No additional equipment needed. Get Creative with 1, 000+ recipes - get great ideas from the Anova sous vide guides and recipes created for home cooks of every skill level by award-winning chefs, with simple directions to walk through each recipe with ease. All available free of charge. Great for beginner and veteran chefs! Compact size - big on technology, small on size. The 12.8" Anova precision cooker nano stows away in any kitchen drawer next to the whisk and Ladle, so your counters stay uncluttered and your favorite new cooking tool stays within reach. From the manufacturer Anova Culinary At Anova we have over 10 years of creating one of the most popular sous vide devices on the market. We've now taken everything we've learned and created the Anova Nano – a smaller, quieter, connected, lab-grade sous vide Precision Cooker – with the quality design and precision you can expect from Anova. With the Anova Precision Cooker Nano you have precise control. Set recipes from your phone and monitor while sitting on the couch, all while achieving 0.1? temperature control you would expect from Anova. Cooking the perfect meal is easier than ever Fits in any drawer Easy Set Up Just clip the Nano on to your existing container, hit start and you'll be enjoying the perfect filet mignon in no time. No other tools needed! Your phone, your sous chef Anova Nano’s super fast BLE 4.2 connects to any smartphone, making it incredibly easy to cook right from your smart device. Every Decimal Counts Know the difference between rare and medium rare? It’s 3? to be exact. With Nano you can cook with 0.1? accuracy ensuring perfect results every time. Compact Size The 12.8" Anova Nano stows away in any kitchen drawer, so your counters stay uncluttered and your favorite new cooking tool stays within reach. Perfect results, every time Pot Phone Temp Ready to use No stove, thermometer, flame or additional equipment needed. Connected cooking Set the time and temperature with the Anova Culinary App or the Nano controls. Perfect results Circulates water at a precise temperature to cook your food exactly how you like it. Product description Style Name: (750 Watts) The Anova Precision Cooker Nano makes it easy to achieve professional-level cooking results at home. To use, simply attach the cooker to any water-filled pot, put your food in a sealable bag, and set the time and temperature. The Anova Precision Cooker Nano heats and circulates the water to a precise temperature, cooking food to an exact temperature which creates maximum tenderness and moisture retention (without worry of overcooking). The Anova Precision Cooker Nano connects to your phone, so you can cook amazing meals by the touch of a button - spend less time tied to the kitchen by relying on the app to notify you when your food is ready to eat. Product information Style Name: (750 Watts) Product Dimensions 4.1 x 2.2 x 12.8 inches Item Weight 3.03 pounds Shipping Weight 3.03 pounds Manufacturer Anova Culinary ASIN B07C7PW3PC Item model number AN400-US00 ?


