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The solutions to the problems in each example are indicated so that students can easily separate the problem setup from the problem solution. ●Spreadsheet applications have been included throughout to illustrate how these powerful programs can be applied to instrumental methods. Problems accompanied by an icon encourage the use of spreadsheets. When a more detailed approach is required or supplemental reading is appropriate, readers are referred to the authors' companion book, Applications of Microsoft? Excel in Analytical Chemistry, 3e. This companion provides assistance in understanding these applications. ●The book is printed in two colors. This feature aids in understanding the many ?gures and diagrams in the text both aesthetically and pedagogically. The second color clari?es graphs; aids in following the data ?ow in diagrams; provides keys for correlating data that appear in multiple charts, graphs, and diagrams; and makes for a more pleasing overall appearance. ●An open-ended Challenge Problem provides a capstone research-oriented experience for each chapter. Intended to be research-type problems that are more challenging than normal and may have multiple solutions, Challenge Problems may consist of multiple steps, dependent on one another, or may require library or web searches to ?nd information. They stimulate discussion, extend the topics of the chapters into new areas, and can be used for group projects, inquiry-driven learning assignments, and case study discussions. Due to their unique nature, solutions are not provided for these problems. Douglas A. Skoog was a professor of chemistry at Stanford University and the lead author of several best-selling texts during his career. He earned a B.S. in chemistry from Oregon State University and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Illinois. Dr. Skoog was the 1999 recipient of the American Chemical Society award in analytical chemistry, sponsored by the Fisher Scientific Company. That same year, he was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1993, he received the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching. F. James Holler is professor emeritus of chemistry and recipient of the Alumni Association Great Teacher Award at the University of Kentucky. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. In addition to his role as co-author of several bestselling texts, he is co-creator of the world-famous Periodic Table of Comic Books. Stanley R. Crouch is professor emeritus at Michigan State University. He received his undergraduate and M.S. degrees from Stanford University and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Illinois. He is the recipient of the 2001 American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation and the 1996 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching. ●Digital Object Identi?ers (DOIs) have been added to most references to the primary literature. A DOI may be typed into a form on the website homepage, and when the identi?er is submitted, the browser transfers directly to the article on the publisher's website. Many journals permit unauthorized users to access abstracts of articles without a subscription. Thus, preliminary research may be accomplished without full authorization. ●Chapter 23, "Potentiometry," contains updated material on biosensors and biomedical applications of potentiometry. Chapter 25, "Voltammetry," has been updated to emphasize solid electrodes, thin-film electrodes and microelectrodes. ●Because many instrumental techniques have been or are being used in NASA's exploration of Mars, the authors present the principles and applications of these methods where appropriate. ●Chapter 15, "Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry," includes new material on fiber-optic fluorescence sensors and fluorescence imaging methods. Chapter 20, "Molecular Mass Spectrometry," includes a new section on atmospheric pressure ionization methods and updated sections on MALDI and electrospray ionization. Chapter 21, "Surface Characterization by Spectroscopy and Microscopy," now includes a discussion of ellipsometry. ●Updated instrumentation for thermal methods is described in Chapter 31, "Thermal Methods." Chapter 34, "Particle Size Determination," has also been updated to provide greater coverage for students. ●Chapter 7, "Components of Optical Instruments," includes updated information on laser sources, array transducers, and FT instruments. ●Chapter 27, "Gas Chromatography," and Chapter 28, "Liquid Chromatography," have been updated to reflect current practice and modern instrumentation. Chapter 29, "Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction" has been revised substantially to place more emphasis on packed-column supercritical fluid chromatography. Chapter 30, "Capillary Electrophoresis, Electrochromatography, and Field-Flow Fractionation" has been updated to reflect the various types of FFF methods. ●All chapters have been revised and updated with recent references to the literature of analytical chemistry. Throughout the book, new and updated methods and techniques are described, and photos of specific commercial instruments have been added. Modern topics include laser-based spectrometry, ?uorescence quenching and lifetime measurements, tandem mass spectrometry, and biosensors. ●New or updated Instrumental Analysis in Action features appear at the end of each section. One of the new case studies discusses the bisphenol A controversy and the role of chromatography in this environmental problem. The second new case study covers the role of neutron activation analysis in the many investigations of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The case studies expand on the methods introduced in each section and show how they can be applied to specific analytical problems. These stimulating examples have been selected from the forensic, environmental, and biomedical areas. ●Many new and revised charts, diagrams, and plots contain data, curves, and waveforms calculated from theory or obtained from the original literature to provide an accurate and realistic representation. ●Chapter 10, "Atomic Emission Spectrometry," contains new information on plasma spectrometers including multi-channel, array detector systems, and laser-based plasma instruments. Chapter 11, "Atomic Mass Spectrometry" includes an updated discussion of time-of-flight MS and a new description of distance-of-flight MS. Chapter 12, "Atomic X-Ray Spectrometry," includes a discussion of modern bench top and hand-held energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence instruments. 1. Introduction. Section I: MEASUREMENT BASICS. 2. Electrical Components and Circuits. 3. Operational Amplifiers in Chemical Instrumentation. 4. Digital Electronics and Computers. 5. Signals and Noise. Instrumental Analysis in Action: The Electronic Analytical Laboratory. Section II: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY. 6. An Introduction to Spectrometric Methods. 7. Components of Optical Instruments. 8. An Introduction to Optical Atomic Spectrometry. 9. Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. 10. Atomic Emission Spectrometry. 11. Atomic Mass Spectrometry. 12. Atomic X-Ray Spectrometry. Instrumental Analysis in Action: Monitoring Mercury. Section III: MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY. 13. An Introduction to Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry. 14. Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry. 15. Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry. 16. An Introduction to Infrared Spectrometry. 17. Applications of Infrared Spectrometry. 18. Raman Spectroscopy. 19. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 20. Molecular Mass Spectrometry. 21. Surface Characterization by Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Instrumental Analysis in Action: Assessing the Authenticity of the Vinland Map: Surface Analysis in the Service of History, Art, and Forensics. Section IV: ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 22. An Introduction to Electroanalytical Chemistry. 23. Potentiometry. 24. Coulometry. 25. Voltammetry. Instrumental Analysis in Action: Measuring the Parts to Understand the Whole: The Microphysiometer. Section V: SEPARATION METHODS. 26. An Introduction to Chromatographic Separations. 27. Gas Chromatography. 28. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. 29. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction. 30. Capillary Electrophoresis, Electrochromatography, and Field-Flow Fractionation. Instrumental Analysis in Action: The Bisphenol A Controversy. Section VI: MISCELLANEOUS METHODS. 31. Thermal Methods. 32. Radiochemical Methods. 33. Automated Methods of Analysis. 34. Particle Size Determination. Instrumental Analysis in Action: The John F. Kennedy Assassination. Appendices. Appendix 1: Evaluation of Analytical Data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分享閱讀 書籍狀態請詳看圖示 如對商品有疑問請使用「聯絡店家」發問,發問時請告知完整商品名稱 ■客服電話服務時間: 敝店客服電話 (02) 85316044 服務時間為週一至週五 09:00-12:00 及 13:00-17:00,例假日與國定假日公休 其餘時間請使用 聯絡店家 功能聯繫 。 由於敝店為多平臺同步販售,來電請務必告知為樂天買家以節省您的寶貴時間,謝謝您。 ■其他注意事項: 建議可多利用7-11取貨付款,可在自己方便的時間領貨。