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(7) 若上述或其他原因,致使消費者無接收到點數回饋或點數回饋有爭議,台灣樂天市場保有更改條款與法律追訴之權利,活動詳情以樂天市場網站公告為準。商品描述
KaKaLove 咖啡-雙魚配方 0.5磅 風味描述:有花生、堅果,豐富核果味,香濃醇厚,尾韻回甘,加牛奶後有開心果風味 主風味:花生、堅果、開心果 烘焙度:中深焙 酸度:2分 (酸度由弱至強是1~5分) ?配方使用的產區:瓜地馬拉、衣索比亞、印尼、巴西配製 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 酸度說明: 顧客請我們推薦豆子時,除了風味,最常問我們「這個會酸嗎?」 酸度的感受閾值因人而異,曾經遇過兩位客人,甲說要喝酸的,乙說不敢喝酸的 我泡了日曬耶家藍驢子先測試他們,結果甲說好酸,乙說還好是可以接受的酸,顯然酸度的感受度有個別差異 既然酸度感受會有個別差異,那我們怎麼評準呢? 我們大致上以幾種水果來做從最不酸到最酸的評準,分別是草莓果醬、葡萄、蘋果、橘子、檸檬,評分是1~5分,希望透過這樣的評分,讓咖啡豆有酸度的相對比較值,提供消費者在購買上參考。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KaKaLove cafe小叮嚀: 1.咖啡豆以0.5磅袋包裝,高單價及數量少的咖啡豆以0.25磅袋裝 2.建議養豆天數:淺焙15天、中淺焙15天、中焙10天、中深焙8天、深焙8天 3.咖啡豆養豆完開封後30-60天內是最佳賞味期,放置陰涼處可存放六個月(依照食品顧問的建議,將保存六個月的咖啡熟豆送至檢測單位檢測,金黃色葡萄球菌、沙門氏菌、李斯特菌,皆為通過,咖啡豆狀態及風味杯測過後皆是沒問題的,請安心享用咖啡)。 4.KaKaLove咖啡豆包裝,所使用"單向氣閥包裝袋" 5.貼氣閥主要目的是因為怕運送過程中遭受碰撞擠壓,導致香氣受到影響,收到後即可撕除 Pisces Blend Description:Almond crisps, cream cookie in aroma;the cupping notes are almond crisps, dried longan;mild acidity with nuts;smooth mouthfeel;the finish consolidates to nuts, carry with brown sugar sweetness. In milk, nuts, orange zest. Note:almond crisps, dried longan, brown sugar Roast Level:Medium_Dark Acidity: 2 (1~5 from low to high) ?Coffee Blend of Guatemalan, Indonesian, Ethiopian, Brazilian and Rwandan beans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acidity explanation: When customers ask us to recommend beans, the number one question is about flavor, and the number two is “Is this acidic?” First of all, the feeling of the acidity varies from person to person. Once I met two guests. A said he would like to drink acid coffee, while B said he would not drink acid coffee. So I made a Natural Yirgacheffe Blue Donkey for them. A said that it was too acidic, and B said that it was okay. It is clear that there are individual differences in the sensitivity of acidity. Since there are individual differences, is there any criterion for reference? We generally use several fruits to make the evaluation from the least acidic to the most acidic. From 1~5 is strawberry jam, grapes, apples, oranges, lemons. So that the scores of relative acidity can help the consumers with a reference in purchasing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- kakalovecafe note: 1. One bag of 8 oz coffee bean,with the exception of high price or rare coffee beans of 4oz bag. 2. Suggested aging days: light roast-level / medium-light roast-level 15 days, medium roast-level 10 days, medium-dark roast-level / dark roast-level 15 days. 3. Stored in cool, sun block condition and the expiration of the period of 3 months. Best if used in 30-60 days after opening. 4. The coffee bag use one-way-valve. 5. The one-way-valve sticker can be torn off and removable. We use this sticker,because we are afraid that the aroma of the coffee beans will run away during the shipping process.