[4美國直購] Brita 6杯 濾水壺 按壓開蓋式 含1個8週白色圓形濾心 有濾芯更換指示燈 (U20)

[4美國直購] Brita 6杯 濾水壺 按壓開蓋式 含1個8週白色圓形濾心 有濾芯更換指示燈 (U20)

近期最省 $110
訂單成立賺2% 19


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PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! SMALL WATER PITCHER: This small, clear plastic pitcher has a flip top lid for easy refilling and is designed to easily fit in narrow, tight places. CLEANER AND GREAT TASTING: The BPA free Brita filter reduces chlorine taste and odor, copper, mercury, and cadmium impurities found in tap water. Substances reduced may not be found in all users' water. FILTER INDICATOR: For optimum performance, a helpful electronic filter indicator tracks when your water filter needs to be replaced. REDUCE WASTE: One Brita water filter can replace 300 standard 16.9 ounce water bottles. REPLACEMENTS: Change Brita filters every 40 gallons, about 2 months for the average household for optimal From the manufacturer water;purifier;filter;alkine;bottle;alkaline;pitcher;drinking;britta;faucet;laica;picker;pur;filters standard;tools;hardware;great;wholesale;basic;chrome;complete;purification;first;chase;advanced How to Change Your Brita Filter Step 1 Flush the Brita filter with cold water for 15 seconds. standard;tools;hardware;great;wholesale;basic;chrome;complete;purification;first;chase;advanced Step 1 brita;filter;faucet;mount;system;spout;alkaline;with;indicator;at;sink;brit;clear;reduce;lead;person Step 2 water;replacement;pitchers;refill;white;stream;cart;brite;bpa;carbon;tetrachloride;ace;care;bereta Step 3 kitchen;replacement;sink;pure;single;countertop;filtered;dispenser;over;wonder;office;soft;hard Step 4 4 Ways to Drink More Water Every Day drinking;can;putcher;basic;kitchen;set;filtered;large;soma;corner;jug;with;small;amazon;bottle families;change;brite;advanced;removes;chlorine;prime;only;black;pre;soak;walter;pur;taste;clear waterbottle;glass;ultramax;easy;countertop;mercury;test;time;filer;standard;britt;red;pure;home filtration;installation;refrigerator;good;fast;filtr;impact;oxa;mini;alkaline;household;water;brita Drink water with meals Skip soda and make a healthier choice. Drink 0-calorie Brita filtered water with every meal. Add fruit for flavor Add a slice of lemon, orange or lime to your glass for an extra splash of sweetness. Workout with water Fuel your body with Brita filtered water before, during and after your workouts. Find the Brita for you Choose a faucet mount system, pitcher, dispenser or filtering bottle to enjoy great-tasting water any time. Product description Color:White Drink healthier, great tasting tap water with this BPA free Brita 6 cup water pitcher. With the advanced filter technology, Brita cuts the taste and odor of chlorine to deliver great tasting water, and is certified to reduce copper, cadmium and mercury impurities, which can adversely affect your health over time. The Brita water pitchers flip top lid makes refilling a breeze and just a glance at the electronic filter indicator lets you know when it is time to change the Brita replacement filter. This small water pitcher is designed to fit easily into tight spaces and comes with 1 water filter, which should be changed every 40 gallons or about 2 months for best results. Start drinking healthier, great tasting water with Brita today. Product information Color:White Product Dimensions 9.75 x 4.54 x 10.7 inches Item Weight 1.67 pounds Department Water Filtering Systems Manufacturer Brita ASIN B00006IV0N Item model number 35250 Batteries 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included)


