特價 含稅附發票  Lost Legends 失落的傳說  英文版  方舟風雲會益智桌遊  實體店正版

特價 含稅附發票 Lost Legends 失落的傳說 英文版 方舟風雲會益智桌遊 實體店正版

訂單成立賺0.5% 9


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遊戲人數:3-5 遊戲年齡:10+ 遊戲時間:70 min 你能打敗道路上的怪物並走向輝煌成為傳奇呢? Lost Legends是一個由Mike Elliott 設計的夢幻紙牌遊戲。它結合了一個精簡的歐洲遊戲設計和一個有趣的奇幻主題卡片製圖和戰鬥技工。玩家們為了征服的怪物,扮演英雄並試圖彙整軍火庫的設備,而且他們將遇到一系列的怪物。遊戲開始時,所有玩家選擇的五個英雄,每個都有自己的長處和弱點。每個玩家單獨的怪物戰鬥,這不是一個合作遊戲。 Lost Legends is a fantasy card game by Mike Elliott that combines a stream Euro game design and card drafting with an interesting fantasy theme and battle mechanic. Players take on the role of heroes trying to assemble an arsenal of equipment in order to vanquish a series of monsters that they will encounter. The game begins with all players choosing one of five heroes each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Each player fights their own monster; this is not a cooperative game. The monster each hero will likely face is revealed to them before players draft cards for their equipment. An interesting aspect in this game is you may, if the conditions are right, evade a monster in front of you, and pass it to the hero next to you. But be aware if you do this you have to fight the monster you draw next! Players then select an equipment card drafted from a hand of cards, and pass the remainder of the hand to your left to prepare for battle with the monster in front of them. The equipment draft continues in this manner until only one card is left in each hand, which is discarded. Players then compare their drafted equipment to their monster to determine the result of the battle! The game consists of 3 levels filled with monsters to slay and new equipment to pick up. Players need Legend Points to win the game! These come in the form of trophies awarded for most monsters as well as sets of monsters slain. Can you defeat the monsters thrown in your path to glory and become the most Legendary?


