[商品主貨號] U101544208 [ISBN-13碼] 9780071481830 [ISBN] 0071481834 [作者] Herbold, Robert J. [出版社] McGraw-Hill [出版日期] 2007-03-09 [內容簡介] (本項為出版商制式文字, 不論下文註明有無附件, 仍以本拍賣商品標題為準, 標題未註明有附件者一律均無) 你一定沒想過,成功是企業的致命弱點。 它可以摧毀一個組織或一個人洞悉改變的能力,同時還會破壞打破現狀的動力。組織和人會被各種因循的做法與思維給絆住。這種成功的後遺症是個人及組織所面臨的最嚴重問題。 本書作者、同時也是微軟前營運長赫柏德將告訴你如何避開九大陷阱,讓成功變得可大可久。這位曾在寶鹼公司擁有26年資歷的老手,教你如何幫助企業遠離傲慢自大,以及疏忽,維持成長動能,保有市場上的地位。赫柏德舉知名企業為例,針對這九大陷阱反覆舉證,是確保企業歷久不衰的最佳讀物。 中文版《成功的毒蘋果:頂尖企業保持不最地位的9個提醒》由麥格羅希爾出版。 The former COO of Microsoft reveals the secrets to staying great Success can be a serious business vulnerability! General Motors, IBM, Kodak, Rubbermaid-these are just a few examples of top companies that became complacent and bloated. To sustain their success, they should have been uncovering fresh approaches, improving their products and services, and staying lean and agile. In Seduced by Success, Robert Herbold shows you and your company how to become successful and stay that way by avoiding the nine biggest success traps. The book features multiple examples of successful companies that succumbed to problems as well as examples of companies that overcame them. This provocative, thought-leading guide explains why “defending yesterday” is a prescription for failure. You'll learn how and why both you and your organization must constantly experiment with new ideas, processes, and business models to remain relevant. The Nine Traps Every Successful Organization Must Avoid: ★Neglect: Sticking with yesterday's business model ★Pride: Letting products and services become second rate ★Boredom: Clinging to your once successful branding ★Complexity: Letting processes run the business ★Bloat: Losing agility ★Mediocrity: Allowing subpar performance to persist ★Lethargy: Nurturing a retirement home culture ★Timidity: Permitting turf battles and infighting ★Vagueness: Schizophrenic communication Author Description Robert J. Herbold is the former executive vice president and chief operating officer of Microsoft Corporation. Prior to that, he was with Procter & Gamble Company for 26 years. Herbold is the managing director of Herbold Group, LLC, a consulting firm, and is a sought-after guest speaker. [書況補充說明] 此書有書斑、外皮磨損,自然泛黃及使用痕跡,不影響閱讀,不介意再請下標,謝謝。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 低價特賣 書籍狀態請詳看圖示 *內容敘述為制式文字,僅為針對書籍內容參考用,關於有無光碟與附件請以標題為準。* *出版日期由於亦為制式內容有時會有出入,若日期與版別足以影響購買決定者請另行提問較為準確。* 由於電子信箱有漏信風險故敝店不予開放。倘有需詢問事項請於商品頁之「有關商品的發問」留下詢問內容, 敝店將儘速處理。(倘使用敝店首頁最下方的「向店長詢問」請務必說明是針對哪項商品管理編號發問喔) ■客服電話服務時間: 敝店客服電話 (02) 85316044 服務時間為週一至週五 09:00-12:00 及 13:00-17:00,例假日與國定假日公休 其餘時間請使用 聯絡店家 功能聯繫 。 由於敝店為多平臺同步販售,來電請務必告知為樂天買家以節省您的寶貴時間,謝謝您。 ■其他注意事項: 建議可多利用7-11取貨付款,可在自己方便的時間領貨。