【美國代購】OXO Good Grips POP容器- 密閉食品儲存- 4夸脫麵粉和更多

【美國代購】OXO Good Grips POP容器- 密閉食品儲存- 4夸脫麵粉和更多

訂單成立賺0.5% 5


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PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! 4.0夸脫容器是5磅袋裝麵粉或糖的理想尺寸 這些密閉,節省空間的儲存容器可使您的乾燥食品保持新鮮,並使您的食品室井井有條 按下按鈕進行氣密密封,再次按下即可鬆開。按鈕彈出兩倍作為內置句柄 形狀最大化空間效率;這些可堆疊的模塊化罐可以完全定制,以適應任何空間 每種尺寸都經過完美校準,可存放普通家用主食,包括穀物,麵粉,糖,義大利面,米飯,咖啡,堅果,零食等。 圓角設計便於傾倒,蓋子不打開,徹底清潔;矽膠密封是洗碗機安全,手洗其他部分 也非常適合存放工藝品和玩具,在浴室或辦公室 - 可能性是無窮無盡的 容器角落便於傾倒 Product description Size:4 Qt - Flour Product Description OXO Good Grips POP Containers are airtight, stackable and space-efficient, making it easy to keep your dry foods fresh and your kitchen organized. For a true airtight seal just push the button, it also pops up to serve handle for the lid. Designed for modular stacking, POP Containers’ square and rectangular shapes make the most out of any storage space, no matter how tight. POP Containers are available in 11 different sizes: each one is perfectly calibrated to fit common household staples including 5 lb bags of flour and sugar, 1 lb bags of coffee, boxes of cereal, oatmeal, coffee, rice, pasta, spices and more. With curved corners for easy pouring, sturdy, BPA-free construction, and a that lid pops apart (and snaps back together) for thorough cleaning. POP containers aren’t just for your kitchen: use them any place you want more organization! Think playrooms, bathrooms, garage, craft rooms – the possibilities are endless. The OXO Good Grips POP Containers are airtight, stackable and space-efficient, making it easy to keep your dry foods fresh and your kitchen organized. The Containers have a unique push-button mechanism that creates an airtight seal with just one touch. The button also serves as a handle to lift off the lid. The Containers are designed for modular stacking so that you can efficiently organize your countertop and pantry. In addition, with their square and rectangular shapes, the POP Containers make the most of any storage space, while their corners allow for easy pouring. The POP Containers are available in 11 different sizes to meet your dry food storage needs. They are also great for use in the garage, sewing room, play room and more; in fact, the Containers can be used in so many places that you’ll want them POPping up everywhere. The lid comes apart for thorough cleaning. Brand Story By OXO Product information Size:4 Qt - Flour Product Dimensions 6.2 x 6.2 x 9.3 inches Item Weight 1.5 pounds Shipping Weight 15.4 ounces Manufacturer Oxo International ASIN B000UHYB9E Item model number 1071396


