PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! *[注意事項] : ◎ 已拆封之個人衛生用品無法受理退貨 : 依照消費者保護法規定,消費者均享有商品到貨七天鑑賞期之權益。但凡購買全新品者,退回商品必須是全新狀態且完整包裝 (保持商品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性),否則恕無法接受退訂。因吸塵器模組及配件屬於個人衛生用品,一經拆封使用後再次出售,有影響衛生之虞,除產品本身瑕疵,恕無法辦理退貨。 Dual Mode Virtual Wall? Barrier Detailshttps://store.irobot.com/default/parts-and-accessories/roomba-accessories/i-series/dual-mode-virtual-wall-barrier/4636429.html Item # 4636429 The Dual Mode Virtual Wall? Barrier gives you greater control over where your robot cleans. Virtual Wall Mode keeps your robot in the rooms you want cleaned and out of the ones you don't. Halo Mode keeps your robot away from items you want to protect. Compatible with Roomba 900, 800, 700,600 and 500 Series. Use a Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barrier to manage where your robot cleans. Virtual Wall Mode blocks openings of up to 10 feet, keeping Roomba in the rooms you want cleaned and out of the ones you don’t. Halo Mode creates a 4-foot diameter keep out zone around items you want to protect. Compatible with Roomba 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 Series Robots. What's In The Box: 1 Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barrier 2 AA Batteries Specifications: Package Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.9 x 4.5 inches Package Weight: 0 .4 lbs.