#芳療 #淨化 #瑜珈 #安神 #薰香 品名: DEEPIKA AURA HEALING 療癒 內容: 15克 味道: 偏草木香 DEEPIKA 系列線香包裝設計唯美精緻, 味道溫和迷人, 適冥想, 打坐, 瑜珈, 同時可淨化環境, 提昇積極能量! DEEPIKA AURA Series are a stylish handy packed masala agarbatti made with an aromatic blend that is suitable for Meditation & Yoga, It creates a refreshing atmosphere. Enjoy the fragrance and achieve Bliss! 3盒100, 歡迎與賣場同價商品混搭!