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內容簡介: 作曲家: Max Janowski / Nissan Blumenthal / Benjamin Till / Sholom Secunda / Meta Cohen 演出者: Karl Gletzmann counter-tenor / Miles D'Cruz tenor / Benjamin Till baritone / Dickon Gough bass 指揮家: Michael Etherton musical director 樂團: Mosaic Voices Mosaic Voices are the Resident Choir at the New West End Synagogue, in London. The synagogue, designed in 1877 by the Scottish architect George Audsley, is a masterpiece of Victorian architecture, known for its beautiful choral acoustic. A great deal of the material on this album is therefore music sung by Mosaic Voices, in Hebrew, during religious services and festivals, of which this music forms a functional element. Ochila la'El, El Melech Yoshev, and Avinu Malkeinu are key musical works that form part of the New Year festival liturgy. Shomer Yisrael is sung during the little-known, but beautiful, midnight service of Selichot, which is part of the penitential prayers of the Hebrew month of Elul leading up to the New Year. Tree of Life, Generation to Generation, Yis'mechu, Ein Keloheinu, Uv'nucho Yomar, and Veh'al Kulam are pieces that the ensemble regularly sings at weekly Shabbat services, and form part of the liturgy for those services. The Musical Director, Michael Etherton, writes: 'Exactly eighty years ago, my great grandmother Kamilla wrote a letter to her children. It was 1942. Fortunately, her children had escaped Nazi-occupied Austria, but Kamilla had not been so lucky. She endured four terrifying years of brutality and unimaginable suffering. The letter to her children was the last thing she wrote before being sent to Auschwitz, where she died. She did not know if her letter would ever reach her children. Eighty years later, my vocal ensemble, Mosaic Voices, is writing back to her in the form of an album of Jewish songs. We want Kamilla to know that, although she, her husband, and her sister, Minka, lost their lives in the Holocaust, all her children survived, and lived their lives successfully and happily in Britain, as proud Jewish people. Hitler's mission failed. Her touching letter, which Kamilla wrote in German, has been set to music as one of the songs on this album (Letter from Kamilla). The other tracks that we have chosen to record celebrate the diversity, mysticism, and beauty of the music that Jewish people have brought to the world over time.' 曲目: Letter to Kamilla Music in Jewish Memory All works except * arranged by Benjamin Till (b.1974) MAX JANOWSKI 1. Avinu Malkeinu 3:23 Words by Max Janowski Sung in Hebrew NISSAN BLUMENTHAL / BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 2. Tree of Life 3:14 (Eitz Chayim) Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 95 with tenderness and sadness - crotchet = 88 BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 3. Psalm 23 5:08 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 90 SHOLOM SECUNDA Words by Aaron Zeitlin 4. Dona Dona 3:47 Sung in Yiddish crotchet = 90 - crotchet = 95 - crotchet = 90 (with deep passion) - crotchet = 75 BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 5. Generation to Generation 3:22 (Leh-dor Va'dor)) Sung in Hebrew Yoav Oved tenor crotchet = 100 - crotchet = 105 - crotchet = 100 TRADITIONAL/BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 6. Shomer Yisrael 3:22 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 70 BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 7. Yis'mechu 2:23 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 70 - crotchet = 140 META COHEN Words traditional 8. Sim Shalom * 4:07 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 72 with resonance and reverence - With a lush richness - With emotion TRADITIONAL/BENJAMIN TILL 9. Rozhinkes mit Mandlen 2:57 (Raisins with Almonds) Sung in Yiddish crotchet = 90 - crotchet = 100 - crotchet = 90 - crotchet = 100 - crotchet = 90 - crotchet = 100 - crotchet = 75 RICHARD M. SHERMAN / ROBERT B. SHERMAN Words traditional 10. Adon Olam 3:08 (Feed the Birds) Sung in Hebrew Marc Joseph tenor crotchet = 90 TRADITIONAL/BENJAMIN TILL 11. Adio Querida 3:37 (Farewell, My Beloved) Sung in Ladino crotchet = 80 - crotchet = 83 - crotchet = 80 - crotchet = 83 BENJAMIN TILL Words traditional 12. Uv'nucho Yomar 4:00 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 80 Words traditional 13. El Melech Yoshev 3:02 Sung in Hebrew Marc Joseph tenor crotchet = 70 - crotchet = 70 Words traditional 14. Veh'al Kulam 1:32 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 80 Words traditional 15. Ochila la'EL 3:16 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 50 - crotchet = 80 - crotchet = 60 Words traditional 16. Ein Keloheinu 2:45 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 120 - crotchet = 90 Words by Kamilla Breuer 17. Letter from Kamilla 5:11 Sung in German crotchet = 83 TRADITIONAL/BENJAMIN TILL Words by Shalom Shabazi 18. Im Nin'alu 3:36 Sung in Hebrew crotchet = 90 Total time: 61:50 Choral: Mosaic Voices Michael Etherton musical director Karl Gletzmann counter-tenor Miles D'Cruz tenor Benjamin Till baritone Dickon Gough bass 15 June 2020 (tracks 2,7), 1 and 2 September 2020 (tracks 6,9,10,12,13,15) 29 November 2020 (tracks, 1,4,5,8), 11 February 2021 (tracks 11,14,18), 23 August 2021 (tracks 3,16,17), & 23 August and 14 September 2021 (track17)