【兒童英語閱讀】Reading Clue 系列 (Level 1/2/3) 課本 (with 習作 + MP3 QR Code download) 華通書坊/姆斯

【兒童英語閱讀】Reading Clue 系列 (Level 1/2/3) 課本 (with 習作 + MP3 QR Code download) 華通書坊/姆斯

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【進口商所提供書籍偶有書角微瑕疵,不影響閱讀 “”此書不收退 不介意書角問題再下單””】 Reading Clue Student Book (with Workbook + MP3 QR Code download) 出 版 社: Build & Grow 適用程度: Beginner to Pre-Intermediate 適用對象: 國小/補習班 出版日期: 2020/1/15 商品配件: Student Book 系列名稱: Reading Clue 語 系: 英文 裝 訂: 平裝 ▌全套共三冊,每冊有10個主題單元,每單元下有兩篇文章,一篇是Fiction另一篇是non-fiction,全冊共20篇文章。 文長約100~130字。 ▌課程主題涵蓋學生生活環境、學科主題(例如數學、自然、文化、藝術歷史)、交通、科技、運動等。 ▌課程架構清楚易教,循序漸進訓練學生閱讀理解力。 1. Build Your Vocabulary:透過詼諧的圖片和句子理解文章重點字彙。 2. Think Together:先讓學生動動腦想一想並表達自己的意見,對單元主題會更有興趣。 3. Main Text:同一主題下會有fiction和non-fiction兩篇文章,重點單字以顏色標記。 4. Main Idea:透過簡答題和學生討論文章的重點。 5. Reading Comprehension:閱讀理解測驗題可確認學生對文章理解的程度。 6. Vocabulary Expansion:延伸單字練習 7. Summary:讓學生將文章重組並且做填空題,漸進掌握文章大意。 ※書後附CD和全彩作業本,作業本每單元有兩頁練習,一頁為單字另一頁則是句型練習。 A reading book to develop students' reading comprehension skills Reading Clue is a three-level reading series for high beginners. This series helps students to read passages smoothly and quickly while understanding the main ideas presented in them. Reading Clue contains a balance of fiction and nonfiction texts combined with systematic activities. All readings are based on word lists that have been carefully selected to expand students’ vocabulary and develop their reading fluency. Throughout Reading Clue, students will master the basic skills needed in reading comprehension. Engaging illustrations and reading passages with meaningful follow-up activities are designed to attract the interest of students and make learning enjoyable. -- Compelling, theme-based topics: to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity -- Meaningful vocabulary activities: to help students learn key words through engaging sentences and illustrations -- Emphasis on summarizing activities: to help students structure their thinking with graphic organizers and follow-up summarizing activities -- Attractive images: to maximize students’ imagination -- Workbook for vocabulary and sentence practice: to expand students’ vocabulary and allow them to review the reading passages Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


