Truthbrush 刷牙記錄器 矽膠材質 適用各種牙刷 APP追蹤 恐龍/太空人/愛心/獨角獸/水果 [2美國直購]

Truthbrush 刷牙記錄器 矽膠材質 適用各種牙刷 APP追蹤 恐龍/太空人/愛心/獨角獸/水果 [2美國直購]

近一年最省 $31
訂單成立賺0.5% 5


▐ 自2024/1/1 00:00起,台灣樂天市場「屈臣氏」將不贈送 LINE POINTS 點數 ▐ 自2023/2/1 00:00起,樂天Kobo電子書不贈送 LINE POINTS 點數,請會員多加留意。 ▐ LINE POINT點數回饋依照樂天提供扣除折價券(優惠券)、與運費後之最終金額進行計算。 ▐ 愛買與愛票網、a la sha(2023/8/1生效)、GAME休閒館(2023/8/1生效)、專品藥局(2023/8/1生效)等部分店家不參與全站加碼,請詳閱LINE Points 加碼店家清單: ▐ 注意事項 (1)部分服務及店家不符合贈點資格,購買後將不贈送 LINE Points 點數,亦不得使用點數紅包,如:比漾廣場、神腦生活、MyCard、愛美麗福利社、展翔通訊、ezcook 美食廚房、葳豐數位商城、吉盈數位商城、森林巨人、包材中心、KABO佳麗寶家電批發、LuLuLu精品店、NewSTYLE新風尚潮流、0216零食會社、美寶家電、純米小鋪、LILY科技新櫃、登芳3C電子雜貨賣場、豐饌御鴨、鼎耀通訊、誠選3C、Smile、葳豐數位商城二店、米蘭寶、BoBo Outlet代購屋、楊家食品(2022/10/1生效)、樂天Kobo電子書(2023/2/1生效)、屈臣氏(2024/1/1生效)等,請詳閱LINE Points 加碼店家清單。 (2)需透過LINE購物前往台灣樂天市場,並在同一瀏覽器於24小時內結帳,才享有 LINE Points 回饋。 (3)若購買之訂單(包含預購商品)未符合樂天市場 45 天內完成訂單出貨及結帳,則不符合贈點資格。 (4)如使用App、或中途瀏覽比價網、回饋網、Google等其他網頁、或由網頁版(電腦版/手機版網頁)切換為App都將會造成追蹤中斷而無法進行 LINE Points 回饋。 (5) LINE 購物為購物資訊整合性平台,商品資料更新會有時間差,如顯示之商品規格、顏色、價位、贈品與台灣樂天市場銷售網頁不符,以銷售網頁標示為準。 (6)Pickup店家之有效訂單需於下單後40天內使用完畢才符合分潤條件 (7) 若上述或其他原因,致使消費者無接收到點數回饋或點數回饋有爭議,台灣樂天市場保有更改條款與法律追訴之權利,活動詳情以樂天市場網站公告為準。


PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! Truthbrush Tracker可以無縫監視所有刷牙行為。它具有多種裝飾設計,可與任何類型的牙刷配合使用。 易於安裝到牙刷上 易於使用應用設置 每個牙刷一個追?器。 需要集線器-單獨出售 FCC 2AS6G-T1,IC 26421-T1 SETUP IN LESS THAN 1 MINUTE: Tracker can be easily fit onto any sized toothbrush handle. Works for electric or manual toothbrush. Let your kids use their favorite toothbrush! Setting up is easy and takes less than 1 minute. Each Hub can support multiple trackers at same time. FULLY AUTOMATIC AND COMPLETELY SEAMLESS: Just start brushing normally! There is nothing else you need to do! Tracking is fully autonomous and completely seamless! There is no button to press, app to launch, or smart phone that needs to be around. It knows when brushing starts and ends. Your data is reliably collected by the Hub and analyzed in the cloud in real-time. Comprehensive set of results are displayed in the free iOS and Android Truthbrush app. Parents do not need to be at home. NEVER MISS A BRUSH WITH SKIP ALERT! CONFIGURABLE BEEP TIMER: The Truthbrush tracker beeps after two minutes or any time between 30 seconds and 5 minutes that you set. Setup and receive alerts when brush event has been skipped or activity is not detected. Get the peace of mind that comes with knowing. Understanding behavior provides opportunities for positive coaching. COMPREHENSIVE DATA VISUALIZATION: Free Android or iOS app to view every brush event immediately after brushing. View duration, brush technique, efficiency, coverage areas, concentration level, ranking in age group. View by week, month; set weekly goals, rewards, share with dentists and more. View brushing history for multiple users in the entire family. Throw out those manual brushing charts, timers, disclosure tablets and no more nagging! ? Manufacturer : Candibell Inc. ASIN : B08NJ9CKG3


