「穿上最有能量的襪子,展開一場精彩的銀河冒險!」「 Put on the most energetic socks and start the adventure you've been waiting for!」Walkr 星球襪訴求創意與品質。延續品牌BALL SOCKS「襪子變襪球」的產品創意,把捲成球形收納的球襪變成Walkr遊戲玩家早已熟悉的星球;只要隨手打開家裡的衣櫃抽屜,就能穿上Walkr星球襪,出門運動累積遊戲能量。Walkr星球襪由台灣專業襪廠製作,採用高達75%比例的精梳棉結合厚毛巾襪底,確保穿著時透氣吸汗、保暖舒適;同時,此球襪系列是研發團隊Fourdesire官方授權的產品,包裝上貼有授權認證貼紙。奇幻、可愛又充滿趣味的Walkr星球襪系列商品,首發十款設計!穿上它,從此無論走路或跑步都能夠感受光年般速度,每天都是一場宇宙大冒險!Walkr Socks are all about creativity and quality. We took the concept from BALL SOCKS, “turning a pair of BALL SOCKS into a SOCK BALL”, this time, we turned Walkr planets into Walkr Socks. Walkr Socks series is made by a professional socks factory in Taiwan. The terry socks are made of 75% semi-combed cotton to ensure they are breathable, absorbent, and warm. Walkr Socks series is officially licensed by Fourdesire - the developer of Walkr. 10 designs of fantastic, adorable and fun Walkr Socks are now ready to launch. Put on a pair of Walkr Socks and feel the light-year speed whenever you walk or run, and everyday will become an galaxy adventure!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 商品規格/襪體尺寸: L 250mm x W 80mm x H 5mm 尺碼對照: JP 23-26,EUR 37-42,US 7-12包裝尺寸: L 140mm x W 98mm x H 80mm註: 因每個人腳型不同,以上尺碼僅供參考。球襪的伸展性良好,一般適合身高145-175cm的女孩和男孩平均腳尺寸。/ 材質 /75% 半精梳棉25% 彈性纖維---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 洗滌說明/請使用中性洗滌劑30度清水洗滌。清洗完畢請置掛於陰涼通風處晾乾。請注意不可整燙、烘乾與氯漂。(包裝紙卡上附完整標示)購買須知因襪子屬貼身衣物,購買前請務必詳讀產品說明,售出後若非瑕疵商品恕不接受退換貨,不便之處,敬請諒解。產地/製造方式台灣製造