[Mush] Crater Cuff with Nepal Stone 黃銅 尼泊爾石 鐲子 手環 手鐲

[Mush] Crater Cuff with Nepal Stone 黃銅 尼泊爾石 鐲子 手環 手鐲

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi
近一年最省 $50
訂單成立賺1% 15
亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

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[Mush] Crater Cuff with Nepal StoneMush大約在2013年1月創立,一開始是為對方手造一份禮物, 然後又因同一個原因而繼續創作。除此之外,某些系列和轉捩點都反映著我們當時的經歷和個人喜好,所以整個品牌對我們來說是很個人的。Mush was started in Jan 2013 by the two of us. It is a rather personal project reflecting our likes and experiences. [Our Brand]或許大部份人都對天然石和金色系的黃銅有著老套、不合時、浮誇等等的固有印象,我們希望藉著具有Kinetic (動力)和Minimal(簡約)元素的作品令大家重新認識這些物料,繼而令穿戴者配戴時有簡潔、有點復古而不失時代感的形象。我們的作品是運用黃銅和天然石組成,靈感主要源自對Harry Potter的沉迷: 其中的Time Turner、校長室和天文塔; 另外還有受一些科學的影響,如理科中的陀螺儀和天文儀器,化學的分子模型等。我們特意嘗試在每件作品中都加入了 Kinetic (動力) 的元素,因為Life is dynamic。Our works are heavily inspired by our childhood obsession - Harry Potter, as well as astronomical instruments and laboratory apparatus. By adding kinetic elements and a rustic twist to our works, we hope to break down the stereotype around brass and gemstones accessories - that they are old-fashioned. [Our Works]製作的複雜度和所需時間都是依不同的作品而有分別。複雜的如仿陀螺儀和天文儀器類的作品可以用上一星期來完成。一般飾物的製作的過程包括人手鑽孔和一些基本金工技巧如切割、熱處理、塑型、焊接、打磨和拋光。The making process and the time taken are entirely dependent on the complexity of the piece of work. For more sophisticated works like orreries/gyroscopes-type of creations, it could take a whole week to finish. In general, the making of our works involves basic metal work techniques like metal cutting, drilling, heat treatment, molding, soldering and polishing etc. [Custom Orders]我們有多種天然石供客人選擇A wide selection of gemstones is available to choose from.[Product details]尼泊爾石大小 Nepal stone size : 10mm手鐲的黃銅部份是不平滑的,感覺會比較raw,如需要產品近照可以跟我們聯絡[Materials info]黃銅 、天然石 | Brass and gemstone[Cautions]1.單獨存放飾品勿與其它飾品或硬物混放,避免磨花表層。 Store alone to avoid scratches to the brass surface from hard objects like other jewelries. 2.避免長時間與汗液接觸,從而腐蝕表面。Avoid contact with water and sweat for a long time to prevent tarnish.3.洗澡,洗衣時請將產品卸下,避免與酸鹼物質直接接觸。Avoid contact with chemicals.4.可使用牙膏和軟布來回抺拭打磨表面,回復光澤(磨花、刮花則沒法回復)。When tarnished, apply toothpaste and rub repeatedly with a piece of cloth for polishing. (Scratches are unrecoverable)5.收藏時請用棉布或面紙清除表面汗漬和污垢後再收藏於乾爽地方Best store in a dry cool place after wiping[Caution II]配戴時請避免碰撞及按壓香港本地品牌手工製作Use with care; avoid compressingMade in Hong Kong


