琉璃鎖鏈戒指(白) - Glass Chain ring (white)

琉璃鎖鏈戒指(白) - Glass Chain ring (white)

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi
訂單成立賺1% 7
亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

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材質- 黃銅+天然礦石/淡水珍珠註*若需客製化(ex.鏈條尺寸.礦石挑選),購買前請於備註區/line:@juelry告知*珍珠、礦石等天然素材經過揀料、切割、打磨製作後,每顆色澤、形狀或尺寸都會略有差異,天然材料也可能有礦缺隙縫不完美的痕跡,一切以實品為準;以上皆不屬於可退換貨的瑕疵理由範圍,勿以「瑕疵/與自己想像/與商品照不同款」為理由申請退換貨。*一般流程時間■ 結標後7-14天製作期(不含例假日)(商品皆為手工製作,急件請先詢問)■ 貨運公司配貨工作天3-5天,原則上將於10-20日(不含例假日)送達指定地點,如有特殊狀況請直接私訊設計館-飾品保養原色金屬 (銅.銀)金屬飾品佩戴時,因接觸到身體所分泌的汗水.油脂及空氣濕度影響,長期下來金屬色澤加深等情形屬正常氧化現象。可使用拭銀布.銅油擦拭氧化部分(請小心擦拭勿用力拉扯)避免於泡溫泉及游泳時佩戴,平時將飾品收納至絨布袋(夾鏈袋).飾品盒中隔絕氧氣,以延長其壽命。銅飾加強保養使用乾布(棉花棒)沾取少取銅油來回擦拭於金屬氧化部分,處理完的飾品建議再使用凡士林擦抹,將殘留的化學物質去除避免碰到人體,並形成金屬的外層保護油膜。天然水晶.礦石.珍珠髒污以清水沖洗擦拭即可水晶.礦石為有靈性之物,可定期將晶石放置於陽光下直接照射約30分鐘至1小時即可消磁每顆礦石都是天然無染色獨一無二的,冰裂.棉絮.雜質等也都屬於自然現象喔!產地/製造方式臺灣/手工製作Material - brass +natural stone / fresh pearlCheck These Words Before Shopping -* After ordering, please send messages to us for customizing the jewelry* All our design works are the actual shooting, but it may be a bit different on other screens. Please order before you check! Processing Time -* We will do your accessories in 7-14 days after you pay. (except shipping)(JUelry do handmade accessories, so please wait for inpatient)-Accessories CareMetal (brass.silver) -Sweat.sebum.air will make metal darker (oxidized), it is a normal phenomenon You can clean it with a "silver polishing cloth"(be gentle and soft to your accessories)Don't wear them to the swimming pool and hot spring. Put in the zipper bags to extend their life.Advanced Metal Care - Using cloth (swabs) to pick up some “brass polish”, and get off the stain with it.And you can also put on some vaseline after the brass polish cleaning. (Vaseline protects skin and makes brass not being oxidized )Ore Care -Ore is something very intelligent, you can put them under the sun for about 30-60 mins for purity.About the natural stone (ore), the cracked ice pattern is normal and every one of them is unique!Made in Taiwan / Handmade


