-美版- 寶可夢卡牌 萊希拉姆&噴火龍

-美版- 寶可夢卡牌 萊希拉姆&噴火龍

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi
訂單成立賺1% 17
亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

[一般商品贈點規則] 1. 需透過 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面,並在同一瀏覽器於 24 小時內結帳(若自動跳轉 App ,請在 App 交易),才具點數回饋資格。 2. 點數回饋計算將扣除訂單金額中的運費與金流手續費與手動輸入之優惠碼折扣。 3. LINE 購物點數回饋訂單不得享有 Pinkoi 站方優惠,例如首購優惠,P coins,全站(不包含手動輸入之優惠碼)。 4. 透過 LINE 購物連結到 Pinkoi 以外之網站購買之商品不具贈點資格。 5. 取消訂單或退貨行為,不具贈點資格,部分退款不在此限。 6. APP 請更新至Android v4.6.0 / iOS v4.1.5 以上才具贈點資格。 7. 點數將於出貨後 45 天後發送。 8. 群眾募資商品,禮物卡,開館保證金,補運費,攤位費等不具贈點資格。 9. LINE 購物站上之商品規格、顏色、價位、贈品如與 Pinkoi 商品資訊頁及購物車不符,以 Pinkoi 購物商品資訊頁及購物車標示為準。 10. 點數紅包使用規則請以點數紅包活動說明為準。 11. 若於 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面後才首次下載 Pinkoi APP 並完成訂單,不符合導購資格;承上,首次下載 Pinkoi APP 後,需透過 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面,方享導購資格。 12. 新客獨享 11 % 專屬回饋,活動只到三月底,限時限額、要搶要快


https://youtu.be/kKMk_SJFU1s▉本賣場販售單位為「盒」,每盒內含 10 包!▉每包內含隨機組成的 11 張卡牌,無法指定卡牌▉商品整組販售,恕不分開販售▉此為美版商品,無中文內容▉此商品無法與中文版共同遊玩If you're looking to turn up the heat on your Pokémon TCG opponents, the Reshiram & Charizard-GX Premium Collection will bring the burn. This set, which is exclusive to Walmart stores, includes a gold foil version of Reshiram & Charizard-GX. This powerful pair has the Outrage attack, which grows more powerful as they take damage, and the Flare Strike attack, which does a massive 230 damage but cannot be used during your next turn.The biggest threat from this TAG TEAM Pokémon, however, their Double Blaze-GX attack. If they have three Fire Energy attached, the attack does an impressive 200 damage, but if you attach at least three additional Fire Energy, it will do another 100 damage—and this damage won't be affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon!In addition to this incredible card, this set also includes an oversize foil card of Reshiram & Charizard-GX, which will make a great display piece in your collection. There are also ten Pokémon TCG booster packs to help build a solid deck to support this terrific TAG TEAM Pokémon. With this pyrotechnic pair, you'll be ready to battle and win!The Pokémon TCG: Reshiram & Charizard-GX Premium Collection includes:● 1 gold foil card featuring Reshiram & Charizard-GX● 1 oversize foil card featuring Reshiram & Charizard-GX, suitable for display● 10 Pokémon TCG booster packs● A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Onlinehttps://f.ecimg.tw/items/DGCU03A900C4CHN/i010001_1640318965.jpghttps://d.ecimg.tw/items/DGCU03A900C4CHN/i010004_1640235061.jpghttps://b.ecimg.tw/items/DGCU03A900C4CHN/i010005_1640235061.jpghttps://diz36nn4q02zr.cloudfront.net/webapi/images/r/SalePageDesc/6846927/2.jpg?ts=130841


