好好用拉鍊布袋 - Cocoonese

好好用拉鍊布袋 - Cocoonese

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi
訂單成立賺1% 4
亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

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- 每個點點圓圓。記得帶鑰匙圈 - 都是Cocoonese 100%手工製作。 - 手工涓印每一塊布,獨特的圖案設計。 - 系列:Circlemesh系列(Cocoonese 特製款) - 其他系列:仙人掌、好多小狐狸https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1939/44939036972_e790a8c479_b.jpg尺寸大約是:- 長度:22 cm - 高度:14 cm - 寬度:0.8 cm - 顏色:Circlemesh系列(Cocoonese 特製款)其他系列:仙人掌、好多小狐狸物品詳情:材料:100%棉里料材質:棉- 硬度:軟洗滌小提醒:如果你希望顏色保持鮮豔,請用冷水(40度以下)反面洗滌,不要漂白或烘乾。- 新加坡手工製作https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1921/44268635534_3d8a6860b1_b.jpg - 設計師兼製作人:Chloe Wanghttps://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1972/44939037072_7e077ea827_b.jpgAbout COCOONESE2015年開始於新加坡市集, 及知名手創購物網站ETSY販售手工製作的各式包款.2018年COCOONESE公司正式成立, 開始設計獨家的布料花色, 以手工絹版方式印刷, 讓商品更具獨特性Cocoonese started off in 2015 with selling handmade products at selected marketplaces in Singapore and on Etsy, an e-commerce site that sells handmade and vintage products. In 2018, COCOONESE’s company was officially established with the launch of exquisitely-designed products that are made from fabrics with handcrafted silkscreen prints.COCOONESE品牌精神COCOONESE Brand Message有著厚繭保護著的COCOONESE, 代表著所有商品耐用的精神, 並且經由所選用的純棉材質, 達到不傷害環境的理念!Originating from the word ‘cocoon,’ COCOONESE embodies the essence of durability and safeguarding Mother Earth through its use of pure cotton materials that are harmless to the environment. 品牌設計理念The concept of design在商品的設計上, 都考量到使用者的便利性, 舒適度, 耐用度及獨特性. Convenience, comfort, durability and uniqueness 所選用的布料都是嚴選最舒適耐用的棉布, 材質天然耐高溫並且容易清洗.Cotton fabrics are chosen for its comfort and durability, resistance to high temperatures and ease of cleaning. 布料的花色, 有手工印染我們獨立設計的花樣之外, 也有精選來自亞洲各地的特色棉布樣式.From special motifs designed by the team to designs representative of Asia, a wide selection of handmade fabric patterns are available. 設計師- Chloe Wan王俐琪Designer introduction - Chloe Wang我的家鄉台灣有著相當成熟的本土文化與技藝, 因為從小耳濡目染, 造就了熱愛藝術與創作. My home country, Taiwan, is a place where traditional crafts and skills are aplenty. Since young I have a vested interest in art and craft work.我喜歡拆解物件, 研究再重新拼揍, 因為在過程中, 能不斷思考和學習新的技巧..I like to dismantle objects and reassemble them as this process allows me to continuously (re)think and learn new skills. 我喜歡用自己的雙手, 摸索製作出美好的事物, 一筆一畫或是一針一線, 都是充滿著自己滿滿的心意.I like to use my hands to create beautiful things. Be it a stroke on a canvas or a stitch on a fabric, each work contains my heartfelt emotions.對於創作, 對於我的每一樣作品, 我都認為質感與實用是最重要的, 其次就是我盡量不使用破壞環境的材質, 像是棉麻, 雖然成本高過一般人也許看不出差別的化學纖維, 但這就是我的堅持.Quality and practicality are the most important in every creation and every piece of my work. Next to that is the use of materials that do not harm the environment. Take cotton for instance, although it is a relatively expensive raw material and one may not realize the difference in the polyester artificial fibers, I stand by my principle in using environmentally-friendly materials.https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1909/44939036902_892e0cc075_b.jpg注1:1英寸= 2.54厘米,1厘米= 0.39英寸注2:由於每台電腦色差,顏色可能略有差異。注3:所有包裝袋均為手工製作,請允許1-3厘米的尺寸偏差。


