動物紙鎮擺飾 –長頸鹿 / Animal Paperweight - Giraffe

動物紙鎮擺飾 –長頸鹿 / Animal Paperweight - Giraffe

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi
訂單成立賺5% 94
亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

亞洲跨境設計購物平台 Pinkoi

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動物小語:在草原的國度裡,有我的朋友們相伴才是完整。In the grassland kingdom, it won’t be complete without my friends.https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4251/34877574765_31af666987_b.jpg概念發想:人類生活在豐富精采的城市中,每天我們與不同的人接觸、進而發展出各式各樣人生故事。同樣的時空中,在草原裡,動物們也有著牠們不同的視角、不同的生活方式,造就出多元又自然的純粹世界。Living in the vivid city, we greet hundreds of people a day, meet each other and create many life stories.Same time, some parts of the world, animals live by using their own angle of eyes. See this world and discover their own simple life.https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4246/34490887760_88f9525341_b.jpg產品介紹:歡迎來到動物世界
 從長頸鹿的視角,看到藍藍的天從羊咩咩的視角,看到綠綠的地從犀牛的鼻子,聞到河水流動的氣息從大象的鼻子,聞到風吹草原的活力在獅子眼中,世界的樣子是自信的在公鹿眼中,世界的樣子是新奇的我們奔跑著,停留著偶爾休息,再不斷前進好好放空,再好好生活Welcome to the animal worldAnimals enjoy the view by their own angle of eyes Giraffe’s see the blue sky.
Little lamb’s see the green land
Feel the breath of river through rhino’s nose Feel the vitality of prairie through elephant’s nose In lion’s eyes, the world is controlled.
In buck’s eyes, the world is always new.
We run, and stop. We rest, and move on. We relax, and we live. 產品尺寸:15cm(W)x5cm(D)x18cm(H)材質:樹脂 / Resin 顏色:白 規格:本商品附防撞包裝盒產地/製造方式台灣 手工製作


