Learn Organisation Structure Set up in SAP WM

Learn Organisation Structure Set up in SAP WM



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SAP WM Warehouse Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Warehouse Management - Organization Structure Set up in SAP Warehouse Management. Taking this WM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing, Inventory Management, Warehouse Management and many other important areas of any Business. Overview of the course: This course will help you to understand the basic set up of Organization Structure Setup in SAP WM. This course is structured in the following areas: -1. Introduction2. Configuration Steps3. Process Run and Conclusion. This course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content. Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Organizational Structure Elements Setup in SAP Warehouse Management, he should opt for this course. The SAP Warehouse Management system (WMS) provides flexible, automated support in processing all goods movements and in managing stocks in your warehouse complex. The system supports scheduled and efficient processing of all logistics processes within your warehouse. In comparison, the WMS allows you to map your entire warehouse complex in detail to storage bin level. Not only do you gain an overview of the entire quantity of a material in the warehouse; you can also always determine exactly where a certain material currently is in your warehouse complex. With the WMS you can optimize the use of all of your storage bins and warehouse movements, and store material stocks from several plants together in warehouses with random storage.


