How to write a book: Part I - From idea to first draft

How to write a book: Part I - From idea to first draft



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In this course, How to write a bookyou will learn how to write the draft for your first book. Thiscourse will take you from idea and concept to the writing ofyour first rough draft. The course starts with answering three basicquestions which should precede manuscript development. The first question we answer isWhy should I write a book? We will present five reasons why you should write a book. The second question we explore is What will I need to write a book? We will present seven basictools you will need to write your first book. The third question we examineis What kind of book should I write? In this lesson you will learn the nine types of books you could write. Next we walk you through six guidelines to follow when choosing a topic. After you have a topic we then presentfour questions you should ask yourselfwhendeveloping a theme sentence. Next we teach youhow to gather information on your topic. In the final two lessons you will learn how to make an outline for your manuscript and write your first rough draft.


