Listen To Me: How To Get People To Hear What You Have To Say

Listen To Me: How To Get People To Hear What You Have To Say



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Do wish more people at work and home would listen to you?Do you wonder why some people get listened to and some don't?Do you get frustrated when you get interrupted and feel that people don't understand what you're trying to say?One reason is that people speak in different communication "languages" and because of that, may misunderstand other people's messages. This practical course will help you understand other people's communication languages so you can talk in ways that make it easy for other people to hear what you have to say. Imagine that you go to another country where most people speak a different language. You would use a book or app to help you translate. I can be your translator to help you to learn how to speak different communication "languages". When you learn to speak other people's languages, it will be easier for them to hear what you have to say. First, you'll take a short quiz to help you understand how you prefer to communicate. The four main communication preferences are based on how people like to get and give information and they are Directors, Motivators, Team Players, and Analyzers. Then you'll learn how to recognize how other people like to communicate. You can think about examples in your personal and professional life. We'll use short case studies to help you understand more about other people's preferences. Once you learn the clues that people give you to let you know their preferences, you'll learn the importance of flexibility. Being flexible means making small adjustments in what you say and how you say it so you can better match people's "languages". We'll review some additional case studies to make this clear. You'll leave the course with ideas you can use right away and specific small adjustments you can make to get people to listen to you so you can get better results with everyone.


