Read, write, and analyze data with pandas & Python!

Read, write, and analyze data with pandas & Python!

近期最省 $198


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This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter. Let's learn data analysis with pandas and Python! This course is suitable for coding beginners because we begin with a complete introduction to coding. Then we delve deep into using pandas, anopen source library with high-performance and easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools written for Python. In Part 1, you learn how to use Python, a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram. You learn the basics of programming, including topics like variables, functions, and if statements. You learn about data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and sets. We cover how to use for and while loops, how to handle user input and output, file input and output. We apply our knowledge to build a fully functional tic-tac-toe game. You learn classes, methods, attributes, instancing, and class inheritance. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer. In Part 2, you take your Python knowledge and apply it to thepandas framework. You learn how to create and expand a dataframe. You learn how to get values from data and how to handle NaN values. You learn how to read and write data from and to the comma-separated values (CSV) file format. Then we take different approaches to analyzing data. And much more! Why choose Mammoth Interactive?We prioritize learning by doing. We blend theory with practical projects to ensure you get ahands-on experienceby building projects alongside your instructor. Our experienced instructors know how to explain topics clearly at a logical pace. Check out ourhuge catalog of courses for more content. The Instructor goes veryin-depthabout everything. This is very helpful to remember all these different things! KingSloth GameStudioonThe Ultimate iOS 11 CourseI really like the approach the presenter takes not just the technical details, but also the veryhuman, personal development information and recommendationshe provides. MichaelonThe Ultimate iOS 11 CourseThe instructor is very good at teaching. He teaches at agreat paceand covers anything a beginner would need to understand (every little detail). I am already learning a lot and I just started yesterday." Mike onBuild 30 Mini Virtual Reality Games in Unity3D from ScratchYou get full lifetime access to this course for a single fee. Enroll today to join the Mammoth community!


