Morning routine: rise and shine to a productive day

Morning routine: rise and shine to a productive day



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Do you wish you weremore productivein the mornings? Do you want tocreate new habitsthat last? Have you heardaboutmorning routinesand are curious to learn more? Then this short and practical course is the right place to start. After completing this course, you will be more productive, by prioritising what is important in your day. You will learn how to best organise your time in the mornings, and you may even use this time to create new habits you always wanted to pursue. And youll set your day up for success - so that you have more focus throughout the day. In this course, you will: Follow asimple step-by-step processto create your own morning routineSet yourvisionandgoalsGet creativecoming up with ideas that inspire you to start your day wellLearn useful hacksabout creating and keeping goodhabitsYou can start practising your new morning routine from tomorrow! Which means you canstart your days more effectively straightaway. The course is fast-paced and includes all of the materials, exercises and activities you will need. It also includes afree templatefor you to download and use again and again. Together, we will create a morning routine that inspires and motivates you. We will start by following a simple step-by-step process to design your morning routine: The first step is to define your goal, your vision, where you want to get to;Then you will get creative and come up with lots of ideas for things to include in your morning routine;The third step is to define specific objectives;Then, well talk creating habits, and I will share one of my favourite tricks, habit stacking;The fifth step is scheduling: we want to make sure that you are making time for your morning routine every day;Finally, youll want to keep track, so that you can see your progress over time. Once you have your morning routine, youre almost ready to go. In section 2 I will share my favourite hacks, tips and answer some questions, so that you have everything you need to make your morning routine the best that it can be. And in section 3 Im including a template for you to download. It includes all the course material, so that you can refer back to it whenever you want. Now make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and let's get started!


