JavaScript in Action 3 projects DOM JavaScript mini apps

JavaScript in Action 3 projects DOM JavaScript mini apps



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Explore how you can build unique mini applications that are fully dynamic and useful for web users using JavaScriptCreate dynamic interactive project from scratch step by step lessons with source code included so you can build your own own version of the mini applications. Perfect course to explore and learn more about JavaScript and how to apply JavaScript for interactive and dynamic content on web pages. Project #1 - Email extracting application - JavaScript projectSelect element contents and values to use within codeedit and manipulate element attributes, contents and valuesSelect string content match with expressionRegex - how to build regex expression for email selection from stringCreate unique return of values from array list Easy copy to clipboard and copy for userProject #2 - JavaScript calculator all JavaScript fully dynamicCreate a table and html using JavaScriptApply eval method to calculate string valueApply styling and element attributes dynamicallyCode review and code fixes for improvementsApply JavaScript methodsCreate an interactive Calculator with just JavaScriptProject #3 - JavaScript popup message component Popup a message when element with class is clickedGet message details from element attributeElement selection by class adding event listenersDOM and element manipulationSource code is included for you to try the code and use it! No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application. Step by step learning with all steps included. Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q & A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!


