Artificial Intelligence Powered Audiobook Creation Course

Artificial Intelligence Powered Audiobook Creation Course



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Welcome to experience Artificial Intelligence Powered Audiobook Creation CourseIf you know Siri, Cortana from Microsoft, Denise from Nextos, Alexa from Amazon or those handy voice GPS directions on smartphones, then congrats! You're already acquainted with TTS. This course will just help you bridge the gap through an ocean of knowledge with the power of Artificial intelligence based TTS tools. Text to speech, abbreviated as TTS, is a synthesis of speech that transforms text into voice output. Text to speech systems was first developed to help the visually impaired by providing the user with a spoken voice created by a machine that would read text. Text to speech enables content owners to adapt in terms of how they communicate with the content to the specific needs and desires of each user. Businesses, Organizations, and Publishers that utilize TTS (Text to Speech) technology benefit from:  Enhanced customer experienceEffective brandingGlobal market penetration Optimized development and maintenance More autonomy for the digital content ownerSaved time and also, moneyEasier implementation with Internet of Things (IoT)Word-of-mouth marketingIncreased web presence across marketsEnhanced employee performanceThis is a mind-blowing and unbelievable new course on Text-to-Speech (TTS) software that you'll never forget. Text-to-Speech takes the written text and transforms it into speech, for that matter. This incredible technology offers several benefits to cater to the needs of consumers, businesses, personal users and educational institutions. Be it a business looking for your next competitive edge or a personal learning student looking to learn a new language or to find your new voice, Text-to-Speech software can be implemented in a variety of ways to help you achieve your goals get your desired content. Artificial Intelligence AudioBook Creation will help you research on content using AI, convert them into audio (obviously, a bot can breathe, before speaking a sentence) and later convert them into video podcasts (vlogs) for that matter - all with the power of using Artificial Intelligence - all using various AI tools available on the web. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Audiobook creation is a must to know about - as this has the technology to change the world of education, all together. You can also use this tech to go ahead in creating Private Label Rights (PLR) audiobooks to upload on portals like YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion etc. One more advanced technology discussed in the course covers the secret technique of Voice Cloning that allows you to clone your voice forever. So, what are you waiting for? The power of Artificial Intelligence for TTS awaits you, to the core. TTS gives a larger number of people, access to your content, such as those with difficulties in literacy, learning disabilities, reduced vision and language learning. It also opens doors to anyone else in need of easy ways to access digital content. Artificial Intelligence usage in TTS goes a long way to play an important role in the creation process of TTS based Audiobooks. Enroll now, get started today to evoke the brilliance of Artificial Intelligence usage of TTS (text to speech) and be wow'ed like you never have been. This is the time for AI to rule the audiobook universe and beyond.


