ROS Ultimate Drone Course for Beginners with Hector Bot

ROS Ultimate Drone Course for Beginners with Hector Bot



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Course Updated to ROS NOETIC: Rating is for OLD version of this course, New update to projects and way of explanation is what you are going to love: )Course Workflow: This course is going to utilize Hector drone package containing a drone with multiple sensors. We will start with creating custom launch files which will bring all required files into our custom package. Sensors integration to robot model with xacro files. We will then perform multiple tasks to learn how ROS can help in learning drone roboticsCustom World Files will be created to represent projects, and complete workflow of our projects will be explained. OpenCV library for python is going to be used for the Last project and you will learn how to perform computer vision algorithms with ROS Projects: - Flying through Sensor data manipulation- Making Obstacle Avoiding Drone- Diamond Securing Drone Surveillance Outcomes After this Course: You can create Custom Workspace Custom Python PackagesHector Drone PackageLaunch filesRVIZ and Gazebo Simulation Fundamentals Custom World FilesCamera and Lidar SensorsSoftware Requirements Ubuntu 20.04ROS NoeticMotivated mind for a huge programming Project- Before buying take a look into this course GitHub repository or message ( if you do not want to buy get the code at least and learn from it: ) )


