Negotiating in Trying Times

Negotiating in Trying Times



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Are you working in the most challenging sales environment right now? Do you have a hard time getting deals done with prospects that you know want your product or service? Do you have a hard time getting the price you know you deserve? Are you a buyer and you are not getting the deal that is fair for you? If so this course is for you. In this course we look at negotiating from the sales process from the buyer side, seller side, and how to actually get to a deal. We also go into detail on what to do if the deal does not work out. Unlike other negotiating courses I am not a professor, hostage negotiator, or anything like that. I am a business person who sells millions of dollars a year in my technology business. I also am a buyer of millions of dollars of products and services. This is your opportunity to sit with me and learn my secrets on both sides of the table. There has never before been a course like this. Take this opportunity to join me and lean my secrets and do better deals today!


