Email List Building MASTERCLASS For Course Creators

Email List Building MASTERCLASS For Course Creators



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This LIST BUILDING MASTERCLASS is for online coaches, entrepreneurs, business owners, trainers who WANTTOCREATE, LAUNCH, MARKET & SELL THEIR ONLINE COURSE. LIST BUILDING IS ESSENTIAL TO A SUCCESSFUL ONLINE BUSINESS. THE FIRST STEP TO SELLING YOUR ONLINE COURSE IS TO HAVE AN AUDIENCE THAT'S INTERESTED IN YOUR OFFER. However, building an email list can be overwhelming. it may seem SIMPLE but it's not EASY! Ihear you so i bring this Email List Building Mini Course covers both organic and paid strategies to skyrocket your email list. Create your email list today with this masterclass. Here's the AGENDA:1. WHY YOU NEED an EMAIL LIST?2. Why you need to start creating one before you even think of creating an online course.3. Tools for quick list building.4. 2 GOLDEN RULES that you need to keep in mind before you decide on your LM.5. Basics of a Lead Magnet PLUS Lead Magnet EMAIL NURTURE SEQUENCE.6. Types of Lead Magnets.7. List Building Strategies - 5 strategies to build your list ORGANICALLY.8. Basic Lead Magnet Facebook Ad set up. MY PROMISE: You will leave this Masterclass today with the exact blueprint to follow in order to create a magnetic EMAIL LIST.


