Ayurvedic Nutrition - A Precise Food Manual

Ayurvedic Nutrition - A Precise Food Manual



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This course explains in a simple way Ayurvedic approach towards nutrition. We will provide you with a handy manual dividing every food substance into suitable or unsuitable, in multiple variations for every Ayurvedic constitution. This manual saves you a lot of time spent on searching, you will immediately learn which food fits with your body type and which does not. The point is that you do not need to skip certain types of food. All you need to know is where to move the "would-be-inappropriate" food within the daytime or a season of the year where it does not cause any harm. Another point is the preference of BIO quality over suitability which is a common mistake we make and there is no need for that. An apple, for instance, even if organic, may cause you harm as it does not fit your body type.(Vata people tend to have trouble with apples and war vegetables). But again, the solution is not to stop eating apples, but rather realising which dosha may have a trouble with it and either reducing the quantity (not skipping apples) or eating them during such time of a day when they trouble your constitution the least. Our motto: "It is better to help others, but even better to teach you how to help yourselves on your own."What You Will Learn in this Course: How to give your body the right fuel based on YOUR "type" Suitable and Unsuitable foods for you based on your Ayurvedic constitution So what are you waiting for? Enroll today! PS: Feel free do check our Youtube channel "Ayurwheel"


