Complete Data Wrangling in Data Science and Machine Learning

Complete Data Wrangling in Data Science and Machine Learning

近期最省 $21


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This course covers the Data Wrangling(the most important concept of Data Science). This course is designed in such a way that anyone (Professional or Beginner) can easily the learn the concept of Data Wrangling and can implement in his/her project. The course starts with the concepts of 3 most important Library of Python that is Pandas, Matplotlib and Numpy and reaches to the advanced concept of Data Wrangling. Get the full context of Data Wrangling and important concepts of Machine learning algorithms. After going through the course learner will be able to handle any data science project. This course covers the followingsPhase 1: Concept of Numerical Python Package (NumPY)Phase 2: Concepts of PANDAS package in PythonPhase 3: Data Visualization using MatplotlibPhase 4: Data ProcessingPhase 5: Reading the CSV file and creating the Data-frame out of it. Phase 6: Data PreparationPhase 7: Data Analysis Using PythonPhase 8: Co-Relation analysis using PythonPhase 9: Applying the Machine Learning Algorithm to our DataIn short this course will give you end to end pipeline idea about Data Science and Wrangling which leads the learner to get the full confidence on Data Science Technology and tackle the Data Science Project by learning the whole concepts from getting the raw data making it model ready and get the forecasted value.


