Drawing Big Cats

Drawing Big Cats



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Capture the power, the grace, and the beauty of the biggest cats. In just ten classes, you will learn to create stunning art using pencils or digital media. Together, we will master the mighty lion, the ferocious tiger, the daring puma, the stealthy jaguar, the resilient lynx, and the blazing cheetah. Each of these 10 lessons begins with a video and is followed up with downloadable resources and an assignment. The lessons are extracted from my book, Drawing Felines: Big & SmallThe book is not required for this class. The same lessons presented in the book are presented here in this class through video instruction and downloadable resources. Lesson 1: Drawing the head of big cats from the frontal view. Lesson 2: We draw the heads from the side (called the profile view)Lesson 3: The structure of the cats body and the fundamentals of drawing it. Lesson 4: Rotation of the head in multiple angles and drawing in 3 dimensions. Lesson 5: The Cougar (aka Puma, aka Mountain Lion) in dynamic poses. Lesson 6: Jaguars in dynamic poses. Lesson 7: Lions in dynamic poses. Lesson 8: Tigers in dynamic poses. Lesson 9: Lynxes in dynamic poses. Lesson 10: Cheetahs in dynamic poses.


