How Wordpress Works as a Publishing Choice for Your Website

How Wordpress Works as a Publishing Choice for Your Website



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This course gives you the insider view of how Wordpress owners create, manage and publish websites that are attractive, secure, SEO friendly and e-commerce ready. This an overview level course designed to expose you the inner workings of Wordpress that all website decision makers need to confidently decide if Wordpress is the right tool to use for your website publishing goals. Each lesson is a tour of a specific aspect of how Wordpress works for a website. You will discover who uses Wordpress for websites and why they do. You get exposed to the backend management functionality called the dashboard including themes, plugins,  navigation, the block content editor, the medial library and user management. Most importantly you will know how Wordpress organizes and presents website and blogging content into posts, pages, categories and tags. At the end of this course you will confidently understand how the major Wordpress components handle website tasks such as design, backup, security, e-commerce and many more and be in a position to decide and compare Wordpress as a choice for publishing your website or blog.


