Business Model Canvas - For Building Multinationals

Business Model Canvas - For Building Multinationals

近期最省 $15


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This course is your quickest and most efficient path to create your Business Model Canvas amplified to launch your business into global markets. This course will force you to answer the critical questions and devise the growth strategies required to make your business successful on a global level. Use this course two ways. First, use the Business Model Canvas exercise to create a roadmap to create, build and grow a global business. Second, use the Business Model Canvas exercise to create a 360 degree view of what's required for a new market entry for your product or service. When finished, use your Business Model Canvas for global growth as a duplicable tool for subsequent growth. The IBAprovides 1:1 international business coaching and consulting. Feel free to send us your finished product and we will share our thoughts and offer discounted services for those who have completed this course. You can find us at IBA followed by dot IO which stands for International Organization. The course is led by Chris Lynch, a university professor of international business, former USState Department international economist and USConsul General to Northern Germany. Chris is also founder and CEOof the US based International Business Accelerator (IBA). This course content stems from years of the IBA's successfully facilitating and accelerating cross-border growth for startups, SMEs and high-growth companies from any country and sector.


