The Essential Career Change Course

The Essential Career Change Course



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The Essential Career Change Course is the one-stop shop for anyone who wants a change to discover what you truly want and need from a new career, and help you take action to make it happen. Based on the process a careers advisor would normally take you through in person over 8-10 sessions, the course will help you discover what makes you happy in a job, what you can't do without at work, what kind of person you are, the kinds of jobs you could do, how to find new opportunities, and finally how to make change happen.I'm lucky enough to have been working as a careers advisor and helping people find work they love for over 40 years, so have been able to pour all my knowledge and experience into the course. With good careers advice becoming harder to find and increasingly expensive (often over 100 a session for weeks on end), I knew there had to be a better way to help people figure out their next step. Featuring 12 modules with videos, exercises to complete and questions to help you reflect, by the end of the course you will be in a much stronger position to take the next exciting step of your career with confidence. The first module is free below! Good luck, and let me know how you get on! Barbara


