Simply IELTS - Academic Writing Task 1

Simply IELTS - Academic Writing Task 1



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In this course, you will1. become familiar with task 1of IELTS Academic Writing.2. understand the requirements for getting a high score.3. apply a step-by-step writing process for each individual diagram (Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart, & Table).4. learn useful vocabulary for IELTS writing. The course is aimed at students who are preparing for the Academic Module of IELTS. It is based on instructional videos that are detailed, informative, well-staged, and engaging. The information is presented in a visual form that is easy to follow and memorable. You will learn what a typical task looks like and what you are supposed to do. Based on a model answer you will understand the requirements that your writing needs to meet in order to achieve a high score. By high score we understand a score between 6 and 8 in the IELTS band score. I will show you how to write basic tasks based on four diagrams following a step-by-step writing process starting with understanding & generating ideas until the last period. At the end of each lecture, you will learn vocabulary that is typical for this type of task so that you can use it in your own writing. The language of the presentations is clear, adjusted to suit ESL learners, and not hard to understand.


