Salesforce CPQ Specialist

Salesforce CPQ Specialist

近期最省 $15


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The Certified Salesforce CPQ Specialist is designed for individuals who have experience implementing the Salesforce CPQ solution. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce customers, partners, and Salesforce employees who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing quoting flows through the Salesforce CPQ platform. Once credentialed, Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialists will have demonstrated their ability to build bundle configurations, pricing, output documents and renewals, and amendments. The Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist has experience with the Salesforce CPQ platform, CPQ terminology, and can troubleshoot and solve basic platform issues. The Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist generally has one year of experience in a CPQ Specialist role. The Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist candidate has experience with the Salesforce CPQ solution, and has the skills and knowledge of the following concepts: Configure bundles (features, options, option constraints, configuration attributes) and product rules. Configure price rules using lookup objects and formula fields, and understand quote calculation sequence and quote line pricing fields. Given a scenario, identify the appropriate pricing method (discount schedules, block pricing, contracted prices, subscription pricing, percent-of-total).Configure a dynamic quote template using quote terms, line columns, template sections and content. Generate renewal and amendment quotes. Troubleshoot and solve basic product rules, pricing issues, and data flow. Utilize the ordering and contracting process. Manage products, pricebooks, and pricebook entries. Configure user permissions, record types, page layouts, and field sets. Familiarity with native and advanced approvals. Knowledgeable about CPQ object data model (object relationships, twin fields, data migration, localization).Knowledgeable about CPQ package level settings and managed package considerations. Configure search filters, and custom actions for product selection and configuration.


