5-Hour Black and White Pen Drawing - Cartoon Characters

5-Hour Black and White Pen Drawing - Cartoon Characters

近期最省 $198


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You will learn how to draw cute cartoon characters. Also, you will learn how to draw simple cartoon backgrounds. Well start with the basics. For example whats the anatomy of our cute cartoon characters and what shapes well use to draw them. Then well jump into different facial expressions so that you can express emotion with your characters. Also different hairstyles, a lot of practice sheets, and many more. Crystal clear in fact. Learning character drawing and how to draw people effectively means having information presented in a logical and coherent way. This course is modular by design, easy to grasp, and allows you to learn in a well-paced, structured way. Engage in the course chronologically, then revise each module at your leisure. Grasp concepts, such as how to draw lips, eyes, faces, and more, faster than you ever have before theres no fluff here. This course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing. The course is your track to obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to draw for other people. This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of drawing fundamentals.


