The Mighty Sun and the Cooking of Mercury

The Mighty Sun and the Cooking of Mercury



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The Sun on a beautiful day is peaceful and nurturing. But if you step outside the protection of the Earth's atmosphere the sun becomes a deadly furnace of ignited nuclear fuel. Discover how the Sun affects the Earth with aurora and magnetic storms and take a close up look at the furnace of the Sun where you will find solar tornadoes the size of North America and temperatures of more than 25 million degrees. Lost in the flames of the Sun is the planet Mercury, stripped of everything by the violence of the Sun but none the less speeding around it every 88 days. This Course includes the following great BONUS LESSONS: What on Earth is Astronomy?Mini-Lesson: EclipsesMini-Lesson: Meteor ShowersMini-Lesson: AuroraThe Mighty Sun and the Cooking of Mercury1. Objective2. Warm-up activity3. Size of the Sun as compared to the Earth and other planets4. Nuclear fusion the Suns energy5. The Suns gravity and its effect on the Solar System6. Temperature variations7. Sunspots8. Magnetic storms9. Suns rotation on its axis and orbit around the center of the galaxy10. Surface features: solar tornadoes, spicules, solar prominences, coronel loops,11. The solar activity cycle: solar minimum and maximums12. Solar atmospheres: photosphere, chromosphere and coronas13. Concept of transits: transits of Mercury, Venus and artificial satellites14. Solar eclipses15. The Suns storms, the Earths magnetic fields and the aurora16. Overview of Mercurys surface and atmosphere17. Mercurys proximity to the Sun and temperature variations18. Water on Mercury19. Observing Mercury from Earth20. Mercurys orbital period, rotation and day-night cycle21. Exploring Mercury with the Mariner and Messenger probes22. Discussion of gravity assists23. Test questions24. Cross-curricular activities


