Plumbing System Estimation

Plumbing System Estimation

近期最省 $1,163


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1. Introduction to Estimation2. Departments in Estimation Tender Department Job in Hand Department3. Tree Diagram for Estimation4. Units & Conversions Length or distance Area5. Legends and Abbreviation6. Letter of intent (LOI)7. Steps to start the project Receiving documentation. Extraction of Documents. Finding out the relevant service by division. Checking the relevant documents. Checking for the closing date if tender project. Studying legends, Abbreviations. Studying the project. Studying the Equipment schedule. Studying Bill of Quantity. Reading the drawings. Checking for Addendum or Revision or Issue.8. Floating the enquiries to the suppliers for Quotation (RFQ). 1. Introduction to Estimation2. Departments in Estimation Tender Department Job in Hand Department3. Tree Diagram for Estimation4. Units & Conversions Length or distance Area5. Legends and Abbreviation6. Letter of intent (LOI)7. Steps to start the project Receiving documentation. Extraction of Documents. Finding out the relevant service by division. Checking the relevant documents. Checking for the closing date if tender project. Studying legends, Abbreviations. Studying the project. Studying the Equipment schedule. Studying Bill of Quantity. Reading the drawings. Checking for Addendum or Revision or Issue.8. Floating the enquiries to the suppliers for Quotation (RFQ)1. Introduction to Estimation2. Departments in Estimation Tender Department Job in Hand Department3. Tree Diagram for Estimation4. Units & Conversions Length or distance Area5. Legends and Abbreviation6. Letter of intent (LOI)7. Steps to start the project Receiving documentation. Extraction of Documents. Finding out the relevant service by division. Checking the relevant documents. Checking for the closing date if tender project. Studying legends, Abbreviations. Studying the project. Studying the Equipment schedule. Studying Bill of Quantity. Reading the drawings. Checking for Addendum or Revision or Issue.8. Floating the enquiries to the suppliers for Quotation (RFQ)


