Chakras: The Wheels of Universal Life Energy

Chakras: The Wheels of Universal Life Energy



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Chakras means 'Wheel' in Sanskrit. A Chakra is a 7 leveled philosophical model of the Universe. It refers to the spinning sphere of Bio energetic activity emerging from the nerve ganglia and branches forward from the spinal cord. What are these Chakras? What do you mean by Chakra System?How do they affect our body and mind at different levels?How does balancing Chakras, balances our body and mind?What the tools/techniques by which we can attain balance through this system?are the questions answered in this course. The Chakra System originated in India more than 4000 years ago. The Chakras were mentioned in the ancient literature of the Vedas, Upanishads, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and in 1526 C. E, Indian yogi Purnananda Swamy has written a book called Sat-Chakra-Nirupanam, which gives us a clear explanation about the Chakras. Chakras are not the physical entities, like how feelings, thoughts, emotions cannot be held physically like a object, but still have effects on our body as they are the representation of Spiritual energy on a Physical plane. In this course the unique and specialized techniques for balancing the Chakras are covered. This Chakra Concept was found in the early traditions of various ancient Meditation practices collectively known as TANTRA. Kundalini yoga also gives us many techniques of breath, exercises, visualizations, mudras, bandhas, kriyas and mantras tobalance the flow of subtle energy through the Chakras.


