Learn how to be safe on the internet

Learn how to be safe on the internet



※注意事項: 1.需透過LINE購物前往並在同一瀏覽器於24小時內結帳才享有回饋,點數將於廠商出貨後,隔天起算之90個日曆天陸續確認發送。 2.國際商家之商品金額及回饋點數依據將以商品未稅價格為準。 3.國際商家之商品金額可能受匯率影響而有微幅差異。 4.若於商家App下單,不符合LINE購物導購資格。


This is a course that will equip you with the skills every user of the internet should have in order to be avoiding bad experiences and stories that touch. You don't want to lose your money and your privacy. Likewise, you don't want be misled, misinformed or waste your time without getting what brought you to a website. You will learn the skills for identifying the owner of a website and the creator(s) of its content along with their reputation, trustworthiness, expertise and authoritativeness on the topic of the website content. You will also learn general tips and facts from common sense that serve as tools against falling into any scam plot. According to the WHO, The Internet presents a world of opportunities for children and adolescents, but it also threatens  communities with inappropriate content, cyberbullying among peers, and online predators - whether  that is via connection to the Internet at home, in a cybercafé, or by Smartphone....   While the Internet provides practically unlimited potential for acquiring new knowledge, rash,  unconsidered acceptance of its content can mislead. Therefore, one cannot be considered digitally  literate until he/she has the ability to judge the reliability of online information. Unfortunately,  critical evaluation of online information is generally lacking in society.


