Music and Sound Healing Practitioner Course

Music and Sound Healing Practitioner Course



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Ancient healers have used sound therapy for hundreds of years and the Western world is now benefiting from this holistic practice. You will come to benefit from the mysteries surrounding science and energy healing, opening your ears and heart to a new way of seeing and hearing music.​This course will introduce you to how sound can be used as therapy, the ancient method of restructuring energy through music, the instruments used during sound therapy, and how sound and music can affect our lives. This course is for anyone who is looking for a sound healing training program for personal growth, or for those who would like to start a business in Natural Therapy​​Music and Sound Healing Practitioner CurriculumModule 1: The Concept and Physics of Sound1. Introduction2. The science behind Sound/Music Healing3. Laws of Resonance and Entrainment4. Principles of Sound Healing5. Principles of Music TheoryModule 2: Origins of Sound Therapy1. History2. Native Americans3. Ancient Africa4. Ancient Egypt5. Ancient Indians6. Ancient Greece7. Indigenous AustraliansModule 3: Sound Meditation1. Benefits2. Quantum Energy and Sound3. Chanting and Mantras4. Energy Blockages5. The Healing Chakras6. Chakra Sound FrequenciesModule 4: The Sound Journey1. Safety and Ethics2. Performing Sound Healing Treatments and Sound Baths3. Preparing for Treatment and Concerts4. Sound Healing Assessment Process5. Voice Healing Sessions6. Sound Healing Baths7. Sound Bathing Tools8. Music of the SpheresModule 5: The Therapist1. Becoming a Sound Therapist2. Contraindications3. Running your Business4. AssessmentReading MaterialsConclusion


