Fou d'Absinthe Eau de Parfum

Fou d'Absinthe Eau de Parfum

Saks 5th Avenue
Saks 5th Avenue

Saks 5th Avenue

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Absinthe is the green fairy of inspiration that brings visions, madness and wanton dreams. Absinthe was the drink of Bohemian Paris. Wild nights at the Moulin Rouge were fueled by this forbidden wormwood liquor. It embodies illicit fun, freedom of mind and a playground of contrasts. The unique element of this fragrance is the constant play of juxtapositions. It is a balanced mix of fresh and spicy with cool and woody warmth. A forest in the Pyrenees. The crackling of a fire. The frosted absinthe is set ablaze when it blends with the spices, balms, pine needles and patchouli. Made in France. Ask the experts. Our Beauty Advisors are here to help. Send an email to


