Rebel Rabbet RES3: End Of Austerity Vodka

Rebel Rabbet RES3: End Of Austerity Vodka

Harvey Nichols(舊)
Harvey Nichols(舊)

Harvey Nichols(舊)

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As 2018 drew into its final quarter, the government declared the "end of austerity". If this great nation's distilleries are used as an economic barometer, then maybe it was all true. It started with Morus LXIV, the world's most expensive gin, but then this latest release from Rebel Rabbet would seem to seal the deal… The third in the Rebel Exile Series, RES3: End of Austerity is a vodka that won't break the bank despite being crafted from the most expensive and lavish ingredients imaginable. Organic grain spirit with orris root is vacuum distilled with beluga caviar and also with white truffles from Alba, these two are then married together with distilled coriander seeds, before being chill filtered through more beluga caviar. The precious liquid is then bottled and individually numbered by hand. If you are wondering what it tastes like or how to enjoy it, we don't think we can put it better than Rebel Rabbet have themselves: "It tastes like truffle hunting on the back of a mermaid. Smooth and dangerous, like Daddy's Money, or an investment in the USD… enjoy the elevated finesse of white truffle from the comfort of your sofa, barefoot, as your mink slippers warm by the fire." It's only fitting that such bottled decadence should be launched exclusively through Harvey Nichols. Matt McGivern and Dylan Bell met while working for William Grant & Sons, a company with an impressive portfolio that includes Balvenie, Glenfiddich, Sailor Jerry, Hendrick's and Monkey Shoulder. By day they work at The London Distillery Company - crafting Dodd's and Kew Organic Gin among other things - but in their spare time they are quietly producing a 13-strong series of the most boundary-pushing, genre-redefining, mind-boggling spirits known to mankind: Rebel Rabbet's Rebel Exile Series. Breaking free from the shackles of conventional distilling, their playful small batch experimental creations are unlike anything you have ever tasted before or are ever likely to taste again.£7.14 per 100.00ml


