THE ORDINARY Concealer - Colour 1.0 N

THE ORDINARY Concealer - Colour 1.0 N

Harvey Nichols
Harvey Nichols

Harvey Nichols

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The Ordinary's Concealer features a high-spreadability suspension system that offers very high coverage with a real skin finish. Packaged with a thin nozzle applicator for precise and easy application, this formula allows high pigments to look natural on the skin, and resists collecting in fine lines. Available across a 36 shade range. The shades are divided into four categories: 1 for lighter tones, 2 for medium tones, 3 for dark/deep tones, and 4 for deeper tones. Each category is then classified further by a second digit from 0 to 4 to indicate depth within each category. Finally, a letter is added to the shade code to identify the undertone: P (Pink) and R (Red) indicate cool undertones; N indicates a Neutral tone; Y (Yellow) indicates a warm undertone.£7.5 per 10.00ml


