Here We Are: Book of Numbers/歡迎來到這個美麗的星球 數字厚紙板書/Oliver Jeffers/奧利佛傑法 eslite誠品

Here We Are: Book of Numbers/歡迎來到這個美麗的星球 數字厚紙板書/Oliver Jeffers/奧利佛傑法 eslite誠品



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奧利佛傑法Here We Are: 歡迎來到這個美麗的星球 數字厚紙板書 奧利佛傑法在為兒子寫的《Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth》中,提到美麗的地球上,有天空,有陸地,有海洋;有人類,有動物;有各種城市 和各種載移工具。本書特地以厚紙板書形式,放大數數主題,帶小讀者認識 《Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth》中數字和數量的關係。3,是3種地形,有山頂、山脊、平原。7是7種海洋生物,有章魚、獨角鯨、海獅、海龜…;10是種旅行的方法,直升機、飛行船、火箭、船…等;11是人類,各種各樣的人。地球有好多風景可欣賞,好多事可做,大家彼此尊重,才能持續下去喔。 From Oliver Jeffers, world-renowned picture book creator of the #1 New York Times bestseller Here We Are, comes a charming board book companion and counting book. Learning all about our planet is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Well, hello. And welcome to this planet. We call it Earth. There is much to see and do here on Earth, so let's get started with a quick tour. Inspired by the bestselling picture book, Here We Are, comes this irresistible counting book to welcome babies and toddlers to our planet. Praise for Here We Are: -Moments of human intimacy jostle with scenes that inspire cosmic awe, and the broad diversity of Jeffers's candy-colored humans…underscores the twin messages that 'You're never alone on Earth' and that we're all in this together.-Publisher's Weekly (starred review) -A sweet and tender distillation of what every Earthling needs to know and might well spend a lifetime striving to achieve. A must-purchase for new parent shelves. -School Library Journal -From the skies to the animal kingdom to the people of the world and lots of other beautifully rendered examples of life on Earth, Here We Are carries a simple message: Be kind. -NPR -A true work of art.-Buzzfeed -A must-have book for parents.-Gambit -A celebration of people all shapes and sizes, and of the beauty and mystery of our Earth.-Booklist -Something of a user's guide to being alive and to life on Earth, Jeffers brilliantly uses pen and paintbrush to explore profound and puzzling questions, establishing straight off that the wisdom imparted here is wisdom for us all.-Chicago Tribune 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682004555007 ISBN13/9780593466124 ISBN10/0593466128 EAN/9780593466124 語言/英文 尺寸/20X19.1X1CM 級別/無 頁數/26 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 Oliver Jeffers Oliver Jeffers From his much-loved debut, How to Catch a Star he has gone on to create a collection of award-winning and bestselling picture books, which have been translated all over the globe, including the #1 New York Times bestseller and TIME Best Book of the Year Here We Are, as well as the companion What We'll Build. He is also the illustrator of the smash hits The Day the Crayons Quit and The Day the Crayons Came Home, both written by Drew Daywalt. His fine art is world-renowned and his dip-art exhibitions are a much sought-after event. Oliver is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife and young children.


